Thursday, May 04, 2006

L came over to my house yesterday for some quality time, haha. We were drivin to get somethin to eat and saw Ali (Nadia's bro Ali) walkin home. We yelled out the window at him and asked if he wanted a ride...his house was literally a 2 min walk away, haha.

Me and L went to McD's, then to the mall, then back to the plaza near work. We kept the activities very very local, haha.

It was nice out at night so we went for a long walk to work off all the crap we ate :P As I was smokin the cigs that L wouldn't let Deb have, haha. But it's OK, I had already realized that I'm not able to pick up smokin again. I'm pretty over it, my lungs and throat have gone without for a while so I can't really get used it anymore. But we had a really good conversation (or actually many different random conversations) as we strolled around a large section of town, haha.

Frig. I had bitten the inside of my mouth while at work the other day (I was eatin a chocolate bar while on the floor so I guess that's my lesson) and I bit the exact same spot like 3 times yesterday. I think I was just chewin gum and you know when you've bitten the inside of your mouth or your tongue and it seems like that part just keeps gettin in the way? I accidentally chomped on that wound repeatedly! The last time hurt like HELL. I actually had to stop and just stand there cuz I was so stunned in pain. I could tell it was about to swell and of course it was bleeding. L was lookin at clothes and was half talkin to herself and half out loud to me and was like, "What do you think of this dress?"...*looks at me*..."I know you don't care right now..." LOL

It's my brother's bday today. Happy bday, Slim ;) Pretty unbelievable that he's 18. He can buy lottery tickets and VOTE, my god.

It's also kinda hard to believe that I've been outta school for a yr now. I remember the exact day I had my last final essay to hand in (no exams, exxxcellent): April 15. I guess from then til July was just waitin for the actual graduation. And from then til about Oct, I was just fuckin around, haha. I really don't know what I was doin every day of my life for months and months but I'm sure I was very glad doin it.

I'm so takin a vacation next month. As well as takin off this May 24 weekend.


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