Friday, March 24, 2006

Get ready, this is gonna be a complainer post.

Actually, Wed and Thurs were OK cuz I didn't have work those days so I slept over at G's and hung out for a couple nights.

We went junk food shoppin, watched Hustle & Flow, I chatted online thru the magic of a laptop (even with G who was just upstairs, haha...I know, we're gay), and such. The next day me and G went out for lunch (or whatever you call the first meal of the day at 2:00) cuz she has absolutely nothing in the house to eat, came back, took Sarah to practice her drivin (that was an experience, good lord) for a couple hrs. Heather and Justin saw us and drove up and we just about had enough for one day so they took over and we took their car home, haha. Then me and G watched Derailed (good but there was just no logic at some points), got pizza, and parts of "The O.C." and the Leafs game. And we drank some more and then G got all drunk rant-y about some guy that stood her up last weekend...and who I text msg'ed for her so she can later say that it was my fault in case she regrettted it...or didn't remember any of it :P

So I came home Thurs night not too too late, I went to bed around the same time I usually do. I had work the next morning. Oh my freakin god, I dunno what happened...either my alarm didn't go off or I hit the snooze button and didn't hear the many reminders for the next hr and a half cuz I overslept!! I checked my voicemail for msgs and sure enough there was one from the general manager. I called him back and sped to work. I thought I was gonna get it. Man, I felt so terrible...I've never slept in before. But Evan had come super super late a few times before and he didn't written up or anythin so I guess it wasn't gonna be too bad. My manager was cool about it, thank god...he was just like, "Drink too much last night?" Haha. Technically my dept was only uncovered for about an hr and a half and it's slow in the morning so it was OK.

Then for the time I was there, I sold crap. Then it was off to PSP training/meeting with the district manager and Clarence and a bunch of the other low-percentage peeps from 2 til 4 :P Fun, fun! Dunno why but I was tired even tho I had the extra sleep.

I was willing to stay past 4 cuz I've come to expect bein kept there longer anyway but I felt bad about bein late today so I wanted to make up a bit of the time, but I still had to be home with the car before 5, and Kane needed to take his lunch. Then of course it got busy and I was by myself. Motherfuck, I hate this shit. Ppl always havin tons of questions and stuff that takes long when there's nobody else around and there's so many other customers too.

At least Godwin showed up to buy somethin and that brought a smile on.

I completely didn't realize we got paid today...too bad this payday was the lowest amount yet :P Then again, we did make team bonus (all of a dollar somethin for me, haha) and my subsidy (compensation for what you don't make in commission to at least bring you up to above minimum wage pay) wasn't very high. But I guess I didn't make a lot of money overall cuz I had about 18-19 hrs each week. Oh well, pay is pay!

And my car almost got hit comin home too. I had switched lanes to turn onto my street when a van that was ahead of me came into my lane and came WAY too close so I braked and honked and he went back to his lane. That'd be just about all I needed, car damage to add to it. But the edge was taken off by the fact that I had the music up so loud that I couldn't hear my horn haha, so I'm sure it was less chaotic to me than to the other ppl in the cars around us.

Oh and I hadn't eaten anythin all day., haha.

I can't deal with this anymore, I needs to go out and have a good time. AKA drink and get, get down :) The plan is Lot 332 tonight. Let's do thiiiiiis!


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