Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Work was work. Did some good old-school merchandising. I remembered how much I don't miss it, hurtin my fingers with Spider-Wraps and restockin and puttin things where they belong which takes forever cuz customers are pure lazy and can't put shit back where they got it. The camera case area is a bitch to clean up and organize. And WHO keeps takin all the effin price tags??? I print them out again and again and they always go missin.


The Olympics have been over for a while, haha. Just thought I'd comment on that. Go Canada with the medal count! Didn't get to catch a lot of the coverage but I tried to watch what I could. I like the Winter ones. The only boring events are curling, cross-country skiing, and biathlon.

What else....oh the Oscars. You'd think takin film in school, I'd be into it but meh. It's too long of a program and most of it's boring chatter and actors I don't care about. And I usually haven't seen most of the movies that are nominated. But Crash won for best picture! :) I've been wantin to buy the DVD for a while but I can't find the full screen version anywhere.

I hafta go in to work tomorrow around 12, tho I'm not scheduled til 6 :P I'm comin in for this lady who I helped over the weekend. She wanted to get a camera for her daughter and wanted me specifically to get the commission so I gave her my card and she'd be back later in the week. All the guys in Comm dealt with it and they told me she was comin in on her lunch on Wed but they didn't know what time I was workin so. I know it's a for sure sale so I'll be there! If this nice woman is seekin me out then the least I can do is come in when it was convenient for her. So I'm gonna go to work, finish up in an hr, then go home, then go back for my regular shift waaaay later. Am I a super employee or what? Customer service, baby! ;)


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