Friday, February 17, 2006

OK that last post had nothing to do with the fact that it was Valentine's Day BTW, haha. I had work on Vday, that's what I did! :P I was just havin the worst work day ever. I'm over it now but I'll just say that this bitchass fucker of a customer yelled at me while I was on the phone with another customer AND swore at me!! The fuckin idiot was loud enough that the very NICE woman on the phone heard every word he said. Stupid dick. I hope he gets what's comin to him. But that's enough time I'll spend talkin about him right now. I'm sure if I'm bored enough one day and I have the time to post about the situation, I will.

Anyway, so that piece of shit human being pretty much ruined my entire Tues but then Al and Chris came by the store and took me out to eat. Well everyone knows my thoughts and opinions on Valentine's anyway...just go read previous yrs'. I went to dinner with my gfs, haha. *Links arms and skips* We went to Kelsey's and they gave red roses to all the girls :) That was nice of them. I think we were at some other restaurant last yr and they did the same thing. I am also gettin deja vu about writin about flowers. Hmm.

Well, I had a good dinner and a Crispy Crunchtini so I felt better. Tho I will admit that I fantasized about the things I would've done to that crusty man if I wasn't an employee, like throwin rocks at his car or boxin him straight in the face. You know what? I think I'd take bein in jail overnight if I thought it was worth it, ha.

So. I'm not lovin this 'work every day this week' thing as I am not lovin the 'gettin up at 8:30 am to do it' business. Yesterday was til 3 but again, I stayed longer. Today a bit too. Surprisingly, it's been alright tho sales-wise and customer-wise, so the week has redeemed itself. I thought I was gonna absolutely eat crap today cuz it was just ghost-town cuz it snowed last night and I had literally zero sales. I figured meh, I'll get subsidized anyway cuz it's not my fault for lack of customers but then it picked up and I sold a couple camcorders and such. And I was by myself too.

This freezin rain is ridiculous. There was LIGHTNING. There's snow on the ground and rain comin down and lightnin and thunder. What the eff??

Holy crap, I had to scrap all the ice shit off my car when I got off work then my windshield kept makin those crazy yet pretty snowflake/ice formations and foggin up the second after I clean it with my wipers. THEN I had to shovel the driveway. I think I hurt myself doin these winter activities. Forgot to stretch :P

Tomorrow morning will be fun to drive. I thought about walkin it to work cuz it'd be safer and maybe take less time but then the sidewalks would probably be just as slippery and I'll be tryin not to fall on my ass the whole way there so that'll take about a hundred yrs. At least I'm off at 1! Haha, I just realized it's a 3 1/2 hr shift, what is that?

Ew, I forgot my travel mug at work for the 2nd day in a row. Yup, it's still sittin there under the till :S

I should be goin to bed about now but I forgot to wash my pants for work so now I'm waitin for the laundry to be done and chattin to Godwin.

Please don't let it be disastrous tomorrow. I just wanna enjoy my Fri and Sat when I'm free of work!


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