Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Well, there's that down that I was talkin about! Gah, I think I had the worst shift ever. Here I thought I was gonna have a breezy 5-9 shift today. Ali called in sick, Kane was gone for the day, and Evan had emailed the manager that he needed the day off to study for an exam, so that meant I had to cover. I hadn't heard anythin about it til I talked to Evan online. Then I checked my voicemail and the manager had called in the morning to ask if I could come in earlier. So I go to work at 4. No one was in my dept but it was pretty quiet in the store and there's always someone from the computers dept to cover so it didn't matter.

The first thing that went wrong was I forgot my locker key at home, just as I got there. That meant I couldn't get to my name tag lanyard, my PSP pamphlets, my PSP price booklet, my pens, and my sticky-note pad. Soooo, I had nothing. I had to pick up a new booklet and pamphlets and borrow a pen from Kristen. And I needed my sticky-pad so many times!

So I kept gettin cell phone questions and queries and I didn't know how to help these customers cuz I don't handle the cell stuff.

I couldn't find these specific memory cards this guy was lookin for even tho the computer said we had some and I searched all over and looked like I didn't know what I was doin.

Then there was another cell phone situation where this man needed to get a replacement cuz he's had 2 defective units already and blah blah blah. He wasn't exactly rude to me but it wasn't a happy time. I had to get Jim involved cuz he was acting manager that day. They started to raise their voices. Oh man, I think the guy was about this close to losin his shit :S I mean, it didn't get ugly but it looked like it was goin in that direction and all I could do was stand around and watch it happen.

At the end of the night, this sweet lady was askin about PDAs and I was glad to help her but the store was about to close and she was rushin and said she'd be back after she researched some models herself. Then she found what she needed with an Open Box model she got from the OB/demo table and grabbed it and dashed off to the front. I didn't know she was buyin it and she just jetted so quick. The only till that was still open was the one at Customer Service and it looked like she got it. Not only was that a sale but it was an OB sale which the managers always push for. Balls.

That was that. So I didn't have any time to get a spare battery for my cordless phone or Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit cuz it just came out. Besides everythin, I sold next to nothing so it was an overall crappy day. It really coulda been worse but it's just been one of those days that didn't leave you feelin good. Oh, then when I got home, I wanted some orange juice. I was bein a slob and didn't wanna use a cup so I just poured it into my mouth without puttin my lips to it. I guess I had my head back too far or I just over-poured really fast cuz I choked on it and spilled some on the floor. It got into my nasal passages or sinuses or whatever and it hurt. I almost drowned in OJ :P Yes I brought it on myself but

And here I thought Mon was goin so well. I had gotten all my errands done and then me and Godwin went out to Jack Astor's. We ate and had awesome conversation and I made him get and love this girly drink that Jack Ass makes. The roads were still unplowed and he's a crazy driver so it was both freaky and hilarious. It was good times. And I was buzzed so that made it triple-funny to me.

"OMG we're gonna die."
"Yes, yes we are."
"Nice last words, Godwin."

And then that was the end of the fun :P Work tomorrow, yay.


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