Sunday, January 22, 2006

I think it shows when I've been drinkin the night before and I go to work the next morning, haha. I should stop that. G was effed up last night and L wasn't too sharp either. Watched Lord of War. A bit too intellectual for ppl gettin liquored up but it was alright for what I got from it :P

Totally forgot to call Godwin. But we're, him, and Evan chatted about so much crap today just to pass the time, it was great. We jammed to Evan's new Samsung phone which plays MP3s in stereo while on the sales floor.

I made over a hundred bucks today :) Saturdays are good. This one guy made my day...he got a pricey camera, memory card, accessory kit, and PSP. EVERYTHIN the managers tell you to sell. Freakin sweet. And I sold a clearance camcorder (the display model!). And I had an awesome lunch at Extreme Pita. And you don't wanna hear about this stuff anymore, haha.

God, my shift just didn't seem to end tho. I was all cranky with my 'girl problems' and just didn't wanna be at work. It was an 8 and a half hr day.

Then I took my brother to watch Underworld Evolutions with G, her sisters, and their bfs :P Nobody can ever say I don't do nice things for him. Good movie...prepare for vampire/vampire-werewolf hybrid sex, haha.

Work at 1 tomorrow. And we've got our very late Christmas party at Dave & Buster's that night! Free dinner and pool and possibly games. I heard that we got double the budget this time but we're somehow not gettin play cards? That makes no sense and upsets me :P Anyway, I'm actually part of the FS team this time around and me and L both get to bring guests, haha.


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