Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Worked 1-9. Geezus it was dead today. But surprisingly I made a decent 50 somethin dollars...thanks to somebody who bought a nice camcorder with a sweet commission. I was tryin to get higher tho, cuz what I made today with my 8 hrs equals to about $7/hr which isn't even minimum wage :S Meh, you take what you can get. It was slow for everybody.

I started around lunchtime so I didn't really eat anythin so I was super hungry early on. I took my half hr break and got McDonald's. Normally McD's makes me (and a lot of ppl I know) feel kinda sick later on but I got the new Bacon Ranch McChicken and it was sooo good.

Anyhoo...another work day. But lemme tell you about customers I get sometimes. This one woman came up to the counter of my camera dept in the way that you do when you want a sales associate to help you, so I went over to her expectin she had a question or wanted to get somethin. I think she was on crack. She asked me what to get for a 13 yr old boy and I wasn't gonna suggest a digital camera cuz what would he do with that? So I asked if he had a video game system at home, maybe she could get him a game. She looked as if she was thinkin about it then muttered somethin. Then she was like, "So you don't have anyth..." and trailed off. I repeated myself and asked if he played video games. She was like in her own world. I was about to ask if this was for her son or somethin but then I thought better of it cuz she seemed like she didn't even know who it would actually be for. Then she walked away! Weirdos.

But sweet lovin, I got 2 cheques in the mail! :) One's a GST cheque and the other was a rebate from my contact lenses. Woohoo, more money! Gotta go to the bank tomorrow and deposit I can spend it, haha.


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