Saturday, December 24, 2005

The entire weekend off...sweet. Only cuz Evan is takin my Sat shift and Sun is Christmas :P But whatever, a holiday's a holiday. And then Boxing Day, the scariest of scary days.

I even got called into the manager's office today for it. I thought I was in trouble or somethin but they just wanted to prep everybody for the big event on Mon.

There wasn't a whole lotta point of bein at the store at 8 am, hardly anyone came in. They were expecting the last-min shoppers to invade today but I guess that'd be more in the evening so I missed all that. I sold a decent amount...about $80 commissions. Some man bought a camera/printer bundle, plus photo paper, memory card, and a case. Beautiful. He just bought everythin I threw at him...except PSP :P

Maybe cuz I'm on the rag or maybe cuz my patience is startin to wear thin but I'm startin to get really irritated by customers. Most are fine, it's just the ones who keep askin questions but interrupt me with another question when I'm tryin to answer them. Like wtf, don't ask if you don't wanna hear the answer.

I didn't even get off at 4 like I was supposed to. I had to stick around til I finished up with a customer who ended up not buyin what we were goin for. Nice guy but if I'm gonna stay an extra half an hr for nothing, then eff that. And I (and anybody at Customer Service) didn't have time to do those commission flips again. Oh well, maybe I'll go in tomorrow even tho I'm not scheduled to work. I dunno when else I'd get to do them when it's not crazy busy. Good day today by standards tho...even if I had to be there 9 hrs startin from the morning.

Man, I haven't gone out out in a while. Was kinda tired today. I fell asleep on the couch a couple hrs after I got home. Then I tried to make it to the liquor store for Vick's present but they were closed. Then I got G's present and went to her house to chill for a bit. Then we picked up Sarah from work and dropped by Al's house to give her her presents too.

Yesterday me, L, G, and Vick were at BP and it was some quality time. Sucks the Leafs lost (but won today!). We exchanged Christmas cards and chocolates. Holy crap, this group and their M&Ms. I have so many lil M&M dispenser toys and there was so much chocolate to be eaten...haha, fat. Then me, Vick, and L went to Vick's to dye her hair. Apparently I'm the dye girl of the bunch cuz I do everybody's at-home colouring for them. Wow, Vick's house is crazy...they have a lot of ppl in the house so they had like 50 presents under/around the tree.

What to do, what to do tomorrow? I'd think about goin to the mall but that's just pure madness. We'll see. I should at least hit the liquor store again and drop off L and P's presents and then I should be done.

Oh yeah! Angela's home!! :D She's back from Japan for the holidays for about 2 weeks. That girl. Her friggin phone line was cut off and her computer's been busted for like a month so she didn't read her bday email from me last month til now. And Jason and Christine are home! Everybody's back. So awesome. I hope I have time to see everybody. So it's the chick from Japan, the couple from Texas, and the dude from England all in town :)


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