Thursday, December 15, 2005


One more day of morning shift this week and then I get a break!

I don't really even remember what happened at work yesterday but anyway. I'm goin higher than my sales goals every time tho so that's good. And I didn't get any bad customer experiences so that's always a plus.

Except I kinda did today. I hate ppl and them askin for a deal all the time! Cheap bastards! The prices aren't there for you to chop them down, this isn't a flea market haggle! Ugh, I'm not gettin into it. I won't turn this into one of those bitch about your job blogs.

But it's the ppl who work in the store that make it better. Yesterday Evan, L, and Annie were all workin and we all got off around the same time so we went out for 3:00 'lunch' after work...with our matchin black shirts and khaki pants, haha. That was good times. I was so hungry cuz I hadn't eaten anythin the whole day except for one and a half Twix bars that I desperately scored from the vending machine.

I've rediscovered the signifigance of naps after I come home from work. Good god, I wasn't meant for early nights and early mornings. brain's kind of on slow-mo right now so I can't think of anythin else to write about. It snowed a lot today. A few of us FS'ers were supposed to hit the bar or somethin tonight but I dunno if that's gonna happen still.

In the meantime, I'll go watch my DVD of The Fifth Element. Or sleep. Bye!


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