Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Work work work. That's all I seem to be doin these days. Plus my internet wasn't workin for a couple days. Anyway, the only way I can remember my week is by goin day by day so here we go...

Tues I went to the mall with L to get my pants for work. I found a pair at Jacob that were actually nice for 20 bucks :) There was a better one at American Eagle but for like $60 and these are just to wear at work so there's no need to splurge. I don't even wear khaki-coloured anythin, hence me not owning any pants and havin to go out and buy some. Then L came back to my house and watched the Leafs game.

Wed and Thurs was the training thing at Head Office in frickin Brampton. A few of us goin on those days were supposed to meet in front of the store at 8:30 am so we could carpool with whoever was drivin. It was Shane, some dude I didn't know named Ken, and Travis who L knew from her last job. The driver didn't show up so Shane ended up drivin anyway. Yeah, so turns out Ken is the same guy that L was talkin about who she saw in the break room with the other trainees. She said he was talkin about bein a director or whatever and got kinda confrontational/defensive about someone who had laughed or somethin at that. She said he looked like a porn director, haha. And when I saw this guy, he really did look like one. I don't mean to judge by appearance but he had long-ish greasy-lookin hair slicked back, a scruffy beard goin on, and wearin a leather jacket. And definitely older than any of us. Turns out he was an alright guy tho...but a lil weird.

Anyway, the first day was alright. We met ppl from other stores and got along with the peeps from the Scarborough West store cuz we were all sittin at the same table. We had Rubik's Cubes, Play-Doh, and markers to play around with (to get the creative juices flowin I guess). But it was hrs and hrs of pretty much the same training we've already done. Guess they really wanted to hit that stuff home. It could've been worse but it was in no way fun. Gettin up at 8, doin that all day, then drivin home at 5 is a drag. When I was goin home that Wed, it was dark out already and felt like it was 9:00.

Then we had to do it all over again on Thurs. Except it felt more excruciating that day cuz we knew what we were in for and really, I don't think it needed to take up 2 days. The DSM promised we'd get out earlier and we did but everybody was moanin and bitchin at like 2:00 :P All in all, not bad cuz we get paid.

Thurs night me and G went downtown to watch a premiere of Just Friends cuz Al gave me a free pass. It is the funniest movie I have ever seen. I love Ryan Reynolds! "Forgivenesssss!" Hahaha.

I had Fri off but I had to get up early the next day so we just went to Timmy's that night. I've become so lame.

Then Sat, holy crap. 8 am meeting, then my regular shift til 4. That was a long day, but it wasn't too bad cuz I actually got some sleep the night before and they had coffee, plus L was workin too. I bought a pack of blank CDs with employee discount ;) They were doin prize draws in the morning and L won a $50 gift card. She was chanting her name for them to call and sure enough, they called it, haha.

Me, G, and L went to Shoeless to watch the game. Leafies won and we had some good convos too cuz I just don't seem to see G, or even L for that matter, much anymore. And I got extremely buzzed. Nice way to end a day of work *thumbs up*.

Work all over again the next day. Normal 12-6 somethin shift on a Sun. The family that came to me for a digital camera bought like a grand worth of stuff! I love them! But I'm not on commission so that went to David (coworker who helped) and I got the PSP. Their Product Service Plan was 100 dollars so I get extra $12 earned for that day :)

Mon was work and I had today off. The days I don't work consist of things like doin laundry, watchin tapes to catch up on my TV shows, and other random house-contained errands. It feels so good to have a chill day. I'm such an old woman. Work is life, OMG.

That was long. Sorry. That's a lot of stuff for someone who, really, doesn't do anythin these days :P


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