Sunday, November 06, 2005 more drinkin, haha.

Al was my hero and brought over Pepsi last night. To mix with my Absolut Vanilla of course...which G almost took with her daily birth control pill, haha. "That's not water!!" Very close. Me and Al were like, would've been funny tho, imagine her reaction. Cuz G makes the most screwed up face when she tastes alcohol that isn't as sweet as sugar. I'm like, yeah but she'd spit all over my livin room carpet.

That was such a wicked game! Leafs! L went with The Dan to the ACC and we kept callin eachother. She was supposed to come after the game but G had bounced and Al was just leavin as she reached my house. Like in my driveway. The idiot didn't even come to the door or call me. She just chatted with Al while they were in their cars.

It was good times tho. Interesting business with a giant stuffed frog, G's general ignorance, and a globe. We were discussin where we should hold Chrissy's bachelorette party in the summer. And trips to Vegas, Texas, and Puerto Rico, haha. I'd like to see this happen.

Apparently I got paid this week tho. And we found out how much it is for training. Yesterday was alright. More talkin. OMG we hafta go for some 2-day training session at head office in Brampton. I dunno how I'm gonna get there. But that's next next week. And by then, we should be on the floor. I'm kinda excited but I'll be nervous about it too...but that's me overthinkin it. This week'll be shadowin our department buddies so I'll get to handle the products and interact with customers somewhat. Damn, I'm gonna hafta do a lot of new product research! More hw, boooo.

Well our manager said the earliest we can expect an email about this week's schedule is Mon so I'm takin it easy today and possibly tomorrow :P

I just watched You Got Served, haha. That was kinda dumb but hey, it's a movie about dance-offs. It's purely a B2K vehicle.

The Leafs game today should be on right about now. Maybe me and L will hit the bar to go watch it on satellite. Holla.


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