Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Man, I was hurtin yesterday. I woke up with all kinds of stiff muscles and back pain like I had been in a mosh pit. It's not like I went insane on Sat night tho. But I did go to sleep around 5, haha. I cut my nails all nice and studied my sales associate training book yesterday tho! I'm a good girl.

Sat was fun. I love Halloween! We saw the funniest costumes, it was ridiculous. Lemme try to remember...gum under the table, a penis, sushi rolls, a caveman, crossdressers, Bender from the show "Futurama", superheroes, Peewee Herman, army ppl, cops, pilots, Zorro, the usual slutty girl versions of every outfit, a white trash dude with this huge fake gut hangin out from the bottom of his wifebeater, and some guy wearin an attack-dog jumper with lil stuffed doggies stuck all over him, haha!

We went to Fez cuz that's where Al was headin after a party and we were meetin up with L's CS girls Annie and Shirley too. And it was Al's friend Conrad's bday there, he was dressed up as fat Elvis - so awesome! Al came as Alice in Horrorland (or Whoreland, haha). She had the Alice in Wonderland dress but it was torn and had blood all over, with a cute stuffed bunny that had its throat slit :P

The line was so long. Then cover was $15, fuck. It was packed inside too. But good times were had. I laughed so much that night. Ji-larious.

Some guy passed out on the sidewalk while we were waitin outside. He just fell on the ground and his friends and ppl around him were seein if he was OK cuz he wasn't movin. His eyes were open but he kept lyin there. We were like, OMG don't tell me he's dead. But he was just drunk or whatever and got up again.

We also saw some guy standin on the corner of the intersection, leanin on the lightpost. He was on his cell talkin when he leaned over and puked. Agh! I saw it all happen. All over the sidewalk where ppl were goin. It was chunky too :S Ewwww. And we kept watchin whoever stepped in it, haha. We would've told them to watch out but we were too far away. The guy was still standin there the whole time too. Damn, he was wasted. And by himself.

Shit, when we were comin home there were a lot of cop cars blockin off the street and the entrances to the plaza nearby. L figured they were lookin for somebody. There was nothing down the street except for one car that looked like it just stopped in the middle of comin out of the plaza. You know somethin bad happened. Then I heard from the news that the person in the car died. Apparently they were stabbed or shot down the block, a few streets away from mine, then the person's friend tried to drive for help but hit some trees and a boulder and the hurt guy died at the hospital. I saw the picture in the paper. The driver side door of the car was bashed in. We didn't see that cuz the passenger side was facin the street when we were drivin by. That's freaky.

And here I am worryin about if I had to come in for training today :P I didn't get an email so I emailed the manager back but I didn't get anythin back yet. Someone had called in the morning but I was still half-asleep and didn't pick up. I think I was kinda scared that they'd be callin me cuz I was supposed to be in but I didn't get no email! So when the phone rang later on, I went to pick it up but it was just Pris askin if I had a Dr. Seuss hat :P WTF, Pris. I'm now contemplating whether I should call the store. Blah.


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