Saturday, October 29, 2005

More training today, 12-4. Well actually a lot past 4 but half an hr was spent loungin around waitin for the manager to come back so it was cool. And L was workin 12-5 so that was good. She had her break while I was still there so we chatted about plans tonight and played some foosball...while I was supposed to be practicing role playin, haha.

I chilled with some more Future Shoppers. It was hectic today, esp cuz it's Sat. I dunno how they expected us to do the role playin and listen to the manager whenever he was in to talk when everybody was comin and goin in the break room and havin their lunch and whatnot.

I got my employee number and keyed in my hrs so I can get paid. And I'm not workin tomorrow so yay.

I stayed a bit after to chat with L and the other CS girls while they were also supposedly workin. That store is nuts. L and Sheeana both punctured themselves on the thumb from pressin down on the wrong end of the pen, hahaha. Then I took a Reese Peanut Butter Cup from the counter and went home :)

Woooooo, Halloween in clubland! Still no idea where we're goin but I do know what I'm gonna be. I've decided to be a schoolgirl, just cuz I'm lazy and I don't hafta buy anythin for the outfit. A naughty/slutty schoolgirl? I dunno, I'm not hoochin it up (at least it won't be a belly shirt) but I don't think regular schoolgirls normally wear a skirt as short as I will or have their tie put together so half-assed :P Or do they? I went to public school so I wouldn't know.

L and G are gonna be hookers (I know, they're just askin for it, haha) so I thought I'd go in a bit with the theme, tho I'm a lot more innocent ;) I've got my white blouse, white knee socks, black shoes, my brother's tie, a plaid skirt, and one of those old lil Club Monaco knapsacks. Unoriginal but I'm not tryin to win any contests. I was gonna do pigtails but that just wasn't workin, plus it'd be too Britney Spears "Baby One More Time".

I hafta go find a long coat to wear cuz I am gonna FREEZE.


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