Thursday, October 27, 2005

Training yesterday was alright. There were 7 of us, all of them guys except me and another girl. The 3 managers were there and they all talked to us. We watched some FS introduction DVD and a boring ass safety video. We got training books and got a full tour of the store. Gave our availabilities. This all took about 4 hrs. I'm goin back tomorrow at noon for more training. I love that the store is like a 2 min drive away.

L dragged me out tonight. Just for pool and Timmy's tho. I just didn't want to do anythin with my hair like even put it up so I just went Unabomber and had a my hoodie over my head.

But you know what took me a long time today? Puttin pictures up on my online album. They were all from Pris' bday, Al's bday, and Dar's goodbye dinner and at the airport. So many! It actually takes a while cuz I had to upload them, put them in order, sometimes rotate/brighten them, then caption them all. My photo albums kick ass! Now Al tells me there's more pix that she has that I didn't know about so they're all gonna get messed up again.

I'm supposed to be readin up on my sales associate handbook. I'm sure I'll blog again tomorrow.


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