Thursday, November 03, 2005

I completely didn't realize it was Thurs today :P You'd think I'd know esp since I need to pay attention to what day it s when I go into work. On that note, no training til Sat. Couple days off is nice, back to the good ol' days of doin nuthin...or goin out, whichever I happen to prefer.

Leafs lost by 1 tonight. That sucked. It just hurts me when they're leadin and then it ends up in a loss. Boo.

I watched Closer a few days ago. It was good. A really talky movie, but not what I was expecting. Sometimes the stuff the characters were sayin just didn't make, who talks like that, really? But sometimes I knew exactly what they meant. Anyway, I just hafta say, what an incestual group that was :P 4 ppl and they all cheated with eachother, then got back together, then cheated again, etc.

Hmmm...maybe I should write about somethin slightly more interesting than work. Oh yeah, so that near-accident the day of L's bday party. I had to drive my brother to and from tae kwon do class that Sat and I had to get L's present still (long story, I'll get into that when I post about that entire day). So I was on my way to Future Shop to get her a DVD. I was drivin and it's a stretch of straight road with a small intersection comin up on the right where the houses are. That street has a stop sign and you can only turn left or right. There was a car there. I had the right of way obviously, cuz I had no stop sign. I justifiably assumed that that car was gonna wait there til it was clear for them to go. NO. There is absolutely nothing blockin their view, unless you are blind, you can clearly see my big black car barreling down the street. For some reason, this woman didn't. Or she did and decided to go anyway. She comes out and makes a left turn right into my path. WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOIN??? She makes the turn just as I'm about to reach the intersection and we're just about to hit eachother. I brake and steer left like a madwoman. Any closer and I would've at least clipped her car for sure. I was even bracin for the impact, cuz I dunno, my brain works like that. I thought we were gonna hit. The street is 4 lanes, 2 goin north and 2 south. I was in the left north lane and she made me swerve into right south lane (oncomin traffic). Thank goodness there were no other cars. Then I swerved back into my lane. The woman didn't even pull over to see if everythin was OK. I slowed down to the curb and stopped to look in my rearview and the car was pretty much already on its way gone. Oh my freakin lord. I didn't even have the chance to honk cuz I was too busy steering outta the way. I'm not a road rage-y person. I'm even the one who tells L to calm down and just let the person go and whatever. I hate ppl who lean on their horns, like RELAX. But damn, it bugged me so much that I didn't get to honk at this bitch. She cannot keep drivin on all la-di-da after somethin like that. I hope to god that she knew what a dangerous, dumbass thing she did. I woulda swore up and down and screamed at her down the street if I could've. It all happened so fast but at the same time it was like slow motion. I remember seein her face as she was makin the turn right in front of me and and saw my car and her face was surprised and like she couldn't believe there was a car comin down at her...even tho she was fuckin GOIN WHEN IT WASN'T CLEAR. Honestly, why are you allowed to drive?? Like, I'd understand maybe it was a judgement call if I was some metres down the street but I was pretty much 2 seconds away from passin her. Geezus. I really didn't need that shit. Gotta say tho, pretty impressed with my instinctive skills ;)

So that was that. Fuckin crazy woman. Still bugs me.


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