Tuesday, November 29, 2005

So we went to Timmy's on Sun...L bought me cookies cuz she dragged me out. Went to Shopper's to do L's digital pix, saw Nadine workin at the pharmacy which is funny cuz we were just talkin about how we work with her brother and now they work in the same plaza as eachother.

Worked yesterday 9:30-4. Good thing I bought an energy bar from Shopper's for breakfast...that's the only way I can eat...stalls til I get my lunch break and keeps me up :P Turns out I'm not on commission and just a sales associate. I was makin pretty decent money that way tho, haha.

Can't remember anythin really interesting that happened right now. Eh.

Leafs won last night.

I actually got to sleep in today. It was fuckin awesome.

Went to the MTO office to renew my driver's licence. Had to go to a 2nd one cuz the other one's photo computer system wasn't workin. I was gonna get mad...cuz I have to work Wed, Thurs, Fri, and they're closed on the weekend. But it's all done with. Hope my picture looks alright! How much does it suck to have a crappy picture that you hafta show to everyone who cards you and you're stuck with it for the next 5 yrs? :P


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