Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm not dead. Tho I wish for it sometimes at work...I'm like, I just want to DIE! Haha. No, not really.

Oh god, it's just been work all the time. I'm there 5 days a week. Fuck, I've got the opening shift from Mon to Fri...8 frickin 30 each morning. But that's why I actually have the time to blog right now cuz I'm done earlier. I had lunch with Godwin a couple hrs ago while he was on break and I was off. We had KFC, and I'm still full.

I almost slept in today. I dunno why since I went to sleep at midnight so I got my 8 hrs! I fuckin hate alarm clocks...WHY is there a PM option!?! Yeah I know, it's my own fault for settin it wrong like a dumbass.

At least I didn't have to shovel the driveway this time. I woke up the other day to a big blanket of snow and I was like, irk! I didn't wanna be late for work so I had to shovel quick as a bitch and I kinda hurt a muscle in my shoulder, haha. But holy crap, me and Dini (this other new girl in the store) were talkin and we're like, let's see what FREAKS are gonna go shoppin at 9 am on a Fri in the middle of this snow crap. Sure enough there were some.

Me of all ppl...gettin the early shifts. That's ironic. I was so tired the other day. I was goin on 5 hrs of sleep, 2 days in a row. I had to take a nap in the evening. I don't think I've done that since school.

Anyway, what else has been goin on...goin to the bars, The Honest Lawyer and BP and such. I think I went to the mall. I bought a Diesel top. It's so rare to go shoppin now cuz I usually work weekends and miss out sales :S But seems like I'm off on Saturdays now.

But this Sat night, me, Vick, and Alex went over to L's. We watched the Leafs game, ate pizza, and re-watched Dodgeball but really we were there to drink, haha. My big bottle of Absolut Vanilla's finished and the whole 2L thing of Pepsi I just bought at Shopper's was gone too.

And it was retarded that I got Sat off but still had work on Sun on my bday but had a later Sun shift the week after that when I wasn't out partyin it up. Oh yeah! So my bday last week...

That Sat we basically went to The Keg for dinner and clubbin at Level. Fish and her crew went skating at Nathan Philips Square before dinner then The Bier Markt after. Oh man, walkin in the cold to the restaurant while L and Al waited for tables, stoppin in a Pizza Pizza for half an hr, 'doin drugs' in the washroom downstairs haha, waitin with everybody for 2 hrs to get tables for all of us, a waitress with attitude, bday cake, missin guest list at the club. Good times. A bunch of us came clubbin and the hrs just flew by. Came across some interesting ppl. Some drunk fool tried to dance with P and she didn't want to but she did it pretty politely but he got upset or whatever (I didn't see any of this) and chucked his beer at her. He got her a bit on the shirt and soaked the back of L's pant legs. But what was so poetic justice was later on in the night, I saw him tussle with some other guy. They were on the dance floor and we were upstairs overlookin the floor so I saw the whole thing. They did that 'startin to square off' thing, then the other guy punched the idiot good and he hit the floor. There was a lot of commotion but I saw him get dragged out as he was still on the ground, haha. None of the other girls saw this so I'm like, L! That guy who got beer on you got punched the fuck out! I got it all with my digital camera too :P Then there were like 2 more fights after that. Crazy. Good thing we were one floor up.

There was some other stuff that went down but I'm keepin this short-ish and drama-free so I won't go into that, esp since I don't care enough anymore about it to spend my thoughts on it.

Yeah, so then I had to go to work the next morning at 11. Balls. It was pretty good tho. Everybody in the store said happy birthday to me :) And it wasn't a particularily bad day, selling and customer-wise. Then I went to dinner with my parents and my brother.

Got pretty good presents from everybody...DVDs, a jacket, a belt, gift card and such, a Puma bag, underwear, haha. And Darien sent me a card and a lil wind-up penguin toy that waddles, hee! I told him not to buy me anythin cuz it maddens me when he spends unnecessarily so he actually obeyed this time :P

In other news, I'm makin kickass commissions and I met Joey Jeremiah! Yup, that guy from the classic "Degrassi" shows! Haha. I don't actually know his real name...Pat somethin. He's really short in person, like as tall as me maybe. He came in the store, which is bizzare cuz I don't have any idea what he'd be doin in this area just shoppin for electronics.

OK that's enough of me. Til the next episode ;)


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