Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Well yesterday and today were eventful!

I don't really wanna get into what happened yesterday cuz if it were up to me, it would never have gone down cuz I was fine with lettin it be. It was one of those things that needed to happen in some ways but still...would rather have gone on without even thinkin about it twice. I know that's all very cryptic but anyway.

Whatever, we were at Shoeless Joe's last night and Leafs won and that's the last of that.

Oh and Darien also called me from England. I just got his Christmas card in the mail. I didn't think the postal time thru and sendin anythin now most likely won't make it to him in time.

So today at the morning meeting at work, the managers closed with sayin that the areas around Mobile Audio needed coverage cuz there's no one in...Shane and the other kid whose name I don't remember don't work at the store anymore! And it was said in that tone where you can tell that they were let go/fired. Everyone was like, wha?? They said they couldn't discuss the details so we all knew it was somethin scandalous. Most ppl guessed that they had stolen stuff but I really don't think Shane would do that. He had told me that he had quit school so now he could change his availability since he could work any hrs. He was already plannin on quittin school but if he did steal stuff from the store...during the Christmas season!...then that would be the dumbest move ever cuz now he doesn't even have the job. And I was just talkin to the both of them yesterday while we were all workin. Me and Shane and Dini were all supposed to go drinkin one night. That sucks. Everybody's gossiping about it and nobody knows what the real reason was.

So after work today, me and L went to Pickering Town Centre to shop and VJ (from the store) jokingly knocks into us. I told him about Shane and the other guy. He's higher up than us and he didn't know the downlow either but he said he'd try to find out. Man, I really wanna know...too bad I don't even have Shane's number.

Anyway, I didn't buy anythin so poops to that. We went to 2 malls and nuthin. L did decide spontaneously to go get a wash, cut, and style at the salon tho...makin me wait for her ass for like half an hr.

I kinda fell asleep sittin in the waitin area chair. Gettin up at 7:30, I tell ya. Me and Evan were both scheduled to open this morning and of course, when I have someone else with me, it's calm and quiet. Holy crap, it was completely dead not only in our dept but the entire store. We were so bored and concerned about havin no sales.

Then the lunch hr crowd came in. Oh lawd. I was kinda sorry I asked for some business, haha. But it was good, I met my sales budget for the day...actually, doubled it I think. I mean, I did only have a 3 and a half hr shift which doesn't give me a lotta time to sell anythin. I was runnin back and forth from our area to the front of the store over and over. Crazy. I stayed an extra hr cuz ppl just kept comin at me and you're not supposed to just jet when it's busy like that but try to help out if you can. I think I hurt my shoulder from haulin a printer around :P There was a Hell's Angel in lookin at an SLR camera, haha.

Tomorrow I'm 8:30-3 so it's actually a full shift. Please don't let me get any fuckers or sour-faced rude ass customers who are just lookin anyway.


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