Monday, December 19, 2005

Nothing interesting this weekend.

Chilled out at home Sat, put the Christmas tree and lights up, I dunno what else. Got my new driver's licence. Uhhh...better than the one before I guess but still not ideal :P

Worked today 12:30-6:30. Not bad, didn't open and didn't close. Was pretty busy. It's the last weekend before Christmas so all the crazies are out tryin to do their shoppin. I was goin almost non-stop. You wouldn't think you'd hafta run so much for a retail job.

I was on the phone for a good 15 mins on hold to do a Future Shop Card check/fix for a customer when it didn't go thru and I would've given up but it was such a gem: good commission camera AND they wanted the PSP. That's, Product Service Plan aka 12% for me. The managers aren't too impressed with our dept cuz our PSP rate is at 2% when it should be about 7. I sold a bunch, and a couple of PSPs so that should pad it up a bit.

L, Godwin, Dini, and Evan were all in today so that was fun. And I went to lunch with Travis. I love my FS buddies.

Kimmy's brother Jason was in the store too. Apparently he's friends with Kevin whose in Mobile. I remember when Jason like 14 and now he's in university and tall and works out. We're not supposed to look at Kim's little brother that way! Haha. Re: Audrey at Kim's party.

That's it, really. Work tomorrow 3-10 but only cuz me and Evan had to switch shifts cuz he has an exam. I'm really glad about havin less opening shifts this week tho! Esp since they're gettin earlier on the 22nd to the 24th. Gettin up at 6 am, geezus. It's so nice sleepin in.


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