Friday, December 16, 2005

Ahh...another work day checked off. 6 in a row! Finally, an early Fri and an entire Sat freeeeee!

Today was actually not as hectic as I thought it would be...which is just fine by me but not that even mattered cuz I such a short shift. Actually, I stayed an extra hr cuz Paula was supposed to come in and David was gonna be by himself but he needed to go for lunch. Paula did eventually come but way late, haha. I love her tho. It's not like I'd bait her out or be mad at her. We even give eachother commissions on our customer's purchases sometimes, by keyin in the other's employee codes. I gave her have a 1 GB Memory Stick today...which turned out to be like $10! Dammit! Haha. Oh well, she's got a kid and works little enough as it is and I don't really need it cuz it's all spending money anyway, so.

But I wanted to stay longer cuz even tho I had a 3 1/2 hr shift, I had like a 600 somethin dollar sales goal budget for the day. I was like, how the hell am I gonna make that? Esp in the morning! Don't they know how short of a time I'm gonna be here? :P Yeaaah, so I was pressed to ring up sales cuz I just didn't want those numbers makin me look bad. I was tryin to snag anybody...just anybody, haha. So that extra time helped get some purchases in. Then it got crazy busy. The half an hr that David left to go get food and I was on my own was when they all decided to come. But not only did I meet budget, I beat it by a good number. Supastar! Haha.

Thank goodness there wasn't that big snowstorm as everyone was sayin there was gonna be today. It was kinda sunny later on. There were a few inches but gettin to work wasn't too bad. But I was there so early that they hadn't plowed the parkin lot yet and the parkin space lines were covered by snow so I guessed. I got off work and the snow had melted and I was in like, 3 spaces, haha! So bad. In the middle of 2 on the right and left and over the one in front of me :P The lot had filled up by that point and all the cars around me were parked just as retarded cuz they had to accomodate mine, haha. Whatever, not my fault.

So drivin up to the parkin lot, I saw a crowd of ppl standin outside the front of the store. I had no idea what was goin on. I thought we were havin some holiday doorcrasher sale that no one had informed me about. The store hadn't opened yet but they were all waitin at the doors. Turns out we got some more Xbox 360s in. Ridiculous. It was a whole process too, lettin ppl in 2 at a time, all the security precautions, havin alotted tickets...all before 8:30 am. It's just a video game system, ppl! Holy crap.

So later on when I'm workin, Alan in Entertainment comes up to me with a clear tub of nuts (I'm with a customer, we're not in the middle of conversation but I'm right next to him while we're both lookin for the right battery model). I'm like, what is it? Alan's like, cashews. I'm all, why is it green like that? He's like, just try it. I know I should've known better cuz when ppl don't tell you and just pressure you to eat somethin, it can only mean bad things but I just thoughtlessly popped one in my mouth. OMG that was the worst thing ever.

It was WASABI cashews!! Cashews covered in Wasabi...that green Japanese horseradish or whatever that usually comes with sushi...and tastes like hellfire and is just nasty nasty nasty!

Fuckin Alan!! He laughed and ran off. The lil bastard. My face must've been somethin to see. It was so spicy and bad, I just took off runnin to the nearest wastebasket and spat it out. I was like...stuck, cuz I had to have it in my mouth for the 5 seconds til I got to the garbage and I didn't have a water bottle near me to wash out the taste after.

Now that I've regaled you with my work stories, I'm gonna jet and watch TV and/or take a nap. Holla at gettin paid today! Woo!


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