Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Holy crap it was so boring at work yesterday! I made a total of $7 commission. Look out. I had absolutely jack to do cuz I had spent most of Tuesday's shift re-doin all the peg hook price tags and reorganizin the camera case section (which is a bitch, trust me) so every task that could possibly be done was already done! So I was just standin around all night, chattin with Evan, sometimes takin a walk around the store. I'm all for not doin much at work but this was a bit much...I need some kind of stimulation :P

I guess Godwin made it less boring tho. Evan was doin a whole fake-mad attitude with him and it was fun to watch cuz Godwin actually thought he was pissed at him and was all, aww. And Godwin didn't make things better for himself cuz the asshole took a swipe at me with a permanent marker and got this big black stripe all across the palm of my hand. So I was fake-mad at him for the night too. Him gettin all worried that we were never talkin to him again is very entertaining.

Then we were gonna go out to for drinks or somethin after work but it was freezin rain outside so I thought better of it. Don't drink and drive, kids...and don't drink and drive when there's black ice out there!

Well I'm off today and Al is gonna come pick me up soon so we can go to the mall. I tell ya, I think that's all I do whenever I have free time from work.

Oooh...and I made about $800 from the 2 weeks of the holiday period. Damn straight! :D And I just got my 2nd cheque from the contact lens rebate. *Does a lil dance* Let's shop!


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