Sunday, February 05, 2006

Well today was craptacular. Bad sales-wise at work, got a paper cut, had a crustomer, and was there for 8 hrs. It wasn't too too bad cuz I had Dini, Godwin, Evan, and Annie there and for like the last hr before closin, the store was empty and we stood around and chatted. Then I couldn't start my car cuz the battery was dead, cuz apparently I had left my lights on. Had to call my dad to boost the car. And it was rainin like hell. Perfect. So I don't even get home til almost 10, it's still rainin, I know we're not gonna go out or do anythin so I'm all, that's it...I'm stayin in and watchin my DVDs! Plus I'm workin tomorrow open til close, just me and Evan. Blah.

And OMG, I got asked out at work! Who does that? I was helpin some brown guy (who, I might add, was not ugly but he wasn't anythin attractive to me...I mean, someone that I'd never consider dating...I don't even know how old he was, a lot older than me!). He was just buyin blank tapes and he started makin chit-chat about random things and I thought it was strange we were havin this lengthy conversation and I was kinda inchin to go back to see if there were other ppl to help. I was like, OK I made about 40 cents from you, now move on! Then he asked for a number he could reach me at so I assumed it was for the store so I gave him my business card with my dept's extension numbers on it. Then half an hr later, the manager was around the dept for some reason or another runnin about and he happened to pick up the phone. He called me over and said I had a phone call. Yeah, it was that guy. I don't even remember his name so I have no idea what he said...he was like, I was just in the store, whatever whatever, did you want to go out for coffee? I was so stunned, I didn't know what to say. That's just WEIRD. I said I was workin til close and he was like, oh I didn't mean today, like sometime next week or somethin. Oh Mylanta. I told him I didn't think it was a good idea (I was this close to just sayin I had a bf :P) and then I said I was busy with customers so call back later or somethin. Kinda creepy. Imagine if he had my real number.

Still, I can somehow say things aren't on that downward direction that they seem to take. It's that roller coaster of ups and downs (specifically those inevitable downs after the ups). It's been a surprising continuing ascent so far.


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