Monday, January 30, 2006

Fri we actually went to Down One, Sat was another attempt to go to one bar and endin up at another. But stories about that later on.

Worked today 10:30-6. Picture me doin that face where the eyes are half-closed and the mouth is open, when I think about the concept of bein there from open to close. Yeah.

Oh lemme talk about this customer who both scared me that he was gonna get pissed and got me vexed too. How I want to vent about that one!

But I promised myself I'd go to bed at a not so crazy hr tonight so I can get some sleep, unlike last I'll be postin again...of course.

Guess what else is tomorrow? YELLOWCARD!! At the Edge 102 studios in the afternoon, on Much On Demand at MuchMusic at 5, and doin their show at the Mod Club at night! "Uh huh! OK! Wassup! Shut up!"


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