Thursday, February 02, 2006

Alrighty now. What's up, February?

I'm back and I've brought stories.

OK so Fri was interesting. I went with Al and her friend CJ downtown to meet up with Kim and them to hit The Bier Markt. Except we made it there but Cat and the others had already left cuz it was too crowded and Kim and her peeps weren't there yet. So we all ended up at Down One, the place where G had her last bday. It's pretty much like a chill-out jam in someone's basement. Apparently there was some DJ from the States spinnin that night and it was kind of a private party or reserved or whatever. The first bunch of us were like 12 ppl, plus more with Kim and them comin but they let us in and waived the cover. But Kim's group had to pay cuz they came later on so once Kim made her entrance she was like, "Fuck this place!" with her middle finger up, hahaha. It was chill tho. We sat and drank and joked, played pool. Sheena and Audrey (typically pretty much drunk before even comin out) ordered wine and apparently didn't realize they got a double bottle. This thing was huge...even they needed help finishin it :P When they had to pay for it as they got it, Audrey was like, "$70?? AGH!! SHEENA!!" LOL They are so ridiculous.

Sat it was me, L, Vick, Alex, and G and the plan was to go to the Madison after I was done work. Normally it's busy cuz it's a student hangout and it's a pub and it's the weekend but we got there kinda late too. It was CRAZY packed and believe me, we went around the whole place lookin for a place to sit, any place. We even ended up walkin thru parts of the house we had never seen before, haha. "I don't know where I'm goin!!" So we bounced and went lookin for another place. We went up and down The Annex tryin to find a decent bar. During this escapade, we got accosted by a drunk and a bum (who most likely was also drunk). "WHO'S THE BEST FUCKIN GUITAR PLAYER EVER??" Hahaha. The bum pretty much yelled in G's face. The drunk guy walked up beside us on the sidewalk and asked which one of us were Spanish. Oh I dunno...the two who look Spanish and actually ARE?? :P So we're all lookin at eachother like what the hell, but with smiles on our faces. I said, "She is," and pointed to G behind me LOL I only did that cuz it would bring the funniest results (esp cuz G doesn't know how to handle strangers) and sure enough it did. Me and L were walkin in front and the rest of them were behind us and he ended up chattin them up for a good 5 mins as we walked, haha. After that G was like, WHY?? Why is it always ME?? LOL The weirdos do seem to gravitate towards her but she did get half-mad that I baited her out like that, haha.

Then we finally made the decision to go back to the car and drive to Yonge and Eglington and hit a bar there. On the way, they had a R.I.D.E. stop so we had to stop at the side so the cops could do their check. We got some young cop at our car...

"Anyone been drinkin?"
"None of you??"
"We haven't even started yet! We're goin now."
"Ah OK...well find someplace good!"

LOL And then he sent us on our way. Too funny. We thought it was gonna be like that time we went to Niagara Falls and the border patrol woman didn't believe that 4 girls didn't bring back anythin from shoppin and made us pop the trunk, haha. At least the cop understood that there was still plenty of time to be headin out to the bars. And he was hot :) Alex couldn't get over it and wanted to go back. The rest of the night, she wanted to go get arrested, haha. When we got up there, there were a bunch of cop cars and tons of ppl outside some building (I don't even know what it was). Still no idea what went down. We had wanted to go to Philthy McNasty's but there was a long line at midnight still so we said eff that. We ended up at some pub called Scruffy Murphy's or somethin like that, I could be totally makin that up. G, the easiest drunk of the decade, got slammed. We came out and she somehow saw Alan, Sarah's bf, across the street where all the cop cars were and yelled out at him. Apparently he was high and we chatted for a bit then headed back to the car cuz it was rainin. We stopped by a McDonald's for ice cream. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Don't eat ice cream after drinkin, haha...

Then I work the next morning, ugh. So that guy I was talkin about before, him and his gf or whoever come up to me all the way in the back at the Comm dept. He had a spindle of blank CDs in his hand and asks if I could check the price for him. No problem. I tell him and then he's like, do you have anythin cheaper than that? I had to kind of stop myself from sayin the wrong thing and I'm like, well, did you see anythin cheaper? about lazy. I wasn't about to go on a hunt for this guy who was didn't even try to look around. Big, chunky man too, I'm sorry. So I had to lead him back to the blank media section at the front of the store and of course that was the cheapest one we had. Then he asked where the fax machines were. I led him all the way back to near my dept. I showed him exactly where and paused for a bit in the case that he had a question or somethin. His back was turned and he was lookin at them so I went back to my area which is like a foot away.

There was another man lookin at camcorders so I went over to help him. He had some questions but was mainly checkin out the products so I was pretty much waitin for anythin else he had to ask. Cuz if you don't have any other customers to tend to, you stay with the one you're with to help them. So after that man was gone, the big guy's gf was walkin from wherever back to the big guy and on the way, stopped to ask if they could get some help from me. I said of course. I went over and the guy's like, “I was standin here for like 10 mins waitin for you to help me. You were just standin around with that other guy. I asked you to show me the fax machines and you just said, "Here" and walked away.”

At first I didn't really know what to say. I was like, uh oh, irate customer...shit. I said I was sorry. But then I was pretty shocked by the situation. I was just thinkin like, well wtf...why didn't you come over and say somethin earlier?? You saw me with a customer but somehow you're more important. And then you were still watchin me but yet said nothing when I was "just standin around"? He obviously didn't look like he needed anythin further so that's the only reason why I left him. What an idiot. I almost didn't wanna apologize. But he was kept waitin...even tho he went the dumbest way about it. Then all he wanted was to get a certain model and I had to go check if we had any in stock and we didn't and then he was like, OK thank you. What the hell! The human race really puzzles me sometimes.

Then I watched a bootleg of Wedding Crashers with my sister. I'm like one of the last ppl on earth who hadn’t seen that movie.

Ooh, and they had this special ‘Scared to Death’ package of the Final Destination 1 & 2 movies at work. Totally bought it. It came with a preview DVD of the 3rd one. I was all, meh…another sequel? Seems kinda unnecessary and honestly looks kinda lame but then I watched it and it’s a little different from the others and still has all those crazy ways that you can die. So yeah, they got me, haha.

OK, on to Yellowcard business! Mon and Tues were flippin wicked. I took the subway down on Mon night for their showcase and I knew The Mod Club was on College Street but really no idea where it was. So I was walkin block after scary block as it started spittin outside. That was fun.

So I went solo cuz everybody just sucks/had to work and I didn't even mind it except that it is kinda weird to go to a show by yourself. Whatever, live like you're drunk and don't care, haha. The show was good but they only played like 6 songs...a couple from their last album and some from "Lights and Sounds", most of them I'd already heard from their last concert cuz they were previewin them with Canadian audiences. But that's OK, they rocked it.

They did their last song and they left the stage and I figured they'd do an encore but it was just a short showcase and the roadies were packin up the equipment. Thought I'd stay for a bit anyway, just in case. Then this girl with her mom comes up to me and asks if the band is comin back and I told her that it didn't look like it but they did tend to come out after the show. So me and this 18 yr-old became friends, haha. Her mom was cute, she was pretty down and is one of those moms who were just as into it as the kid :P

We waited around for a bit and a couple of the guys did come out. I didn't even realize it but Sean was already in the middle of the floor surrounded by ppl askin for pictures and autographs. Then I reverted to my teenage fan yrs and got all into it and ended up with a signed ticket stub and a picture of me and Melody with Sean :D Then Melody wanted to stick around longer to see who else was gonna come out so I just like, k sure. We saw Ryan the guitarist later chattin with friends and got his autograph and pic too. Just as we were about to leave, I see this guy come out to coat check with like 5 bottles of Corona in his hands, haha. I shouted, "LP!" I didn't mean to call him, I was just surprised that it was him and thought out loud. He turned around and I was caught off guard so I was like, "...Hey!" Hahaha. And he was like, "Heyyy." Didn't get a chance to ask to sign or take a pic cuz he was holdin all those beers and then a security guy was tellin him he couldn't have alcohol up there so he had to go back into the concert space and we couldn't exactly follow him cuz they were beefy security guys millin about. And I didn't wanna seem stalker-ish, but anyway :P

Melody still wanted to wait to see if the other Ryan was gonna come out but it was highly doubtful and I didn't really wanna stay any longer so we left. She and her mom live downtown so they were pretty close by but I had to make it back to the subway station. I gave her my email and she said she'd add me to MSN. It was rainin by this time and I had walk all the way to I don't even know which way I came. There's me walkin alone at night in the rain, not really sure where I'm goin, for about 15-20 mins. It was like one of those scenes out of the movies. It was totally dead with these quiet, dark neighbourhood streets right after a busy, lit-up College Street, like you had literally crossed into the wrong side of the tracks :P My hair was gettin so wet, I was just like fuck it, it's not like an umbrella would help now, haha. I'm drippin and I had to stop into a convenience store that was still open to ask where the Christie stop was. I was goin the wrong way for a good 5 mins. And I had to sit wet like that the whole way home. Worth it tho!

The next day was the autograph signing at the HMV megastore at 4:30. Again, I thought I was gonna be late but actually turned up kinda early. They were makin the ppl line up outside the store in the cold. The policy was the first 100 ppl would be guaranteed an autograph and I browsed around the store before joinin the line-up but then I didn't know there was gonna be a lot less ppl than that so I was out there waitin for pretty much no reason. I could've came right at 4:30 and gotten it no problem. Melody said she was gonna be there but I didn't see her and I didn't figure she'd be late to this but I headed in. The band was upstairs and security peeps led us to the table. I got my CD sleeve signed by all of them and pictures of them straight-on. I would've rather had shots of me with them but it was kinda disorganized and there was the big table in between and you know how testy security ppl can get so I wasn't sure if they'd rush me and tell me there wasn't time to take individual pictures with each member. That was done so I went back downstairs and ran into Melody. And the stalker sneak began, haha. We were pretty much findin ways around security while tryin to look like we were just customers browsin the music and tryin to find where the boys were. We actually did end up about a foot away from Sean, Ryan M, and Ryan K, each time bein so close and not realizin who it was at first. Sean was at a listenin station with headphones on so we didn't bother him but found some fascination with Carrie Underwood's CD at the station next to him. We looked up a couple mins later and he was gone. We actually were approachin Ryan K as he was lookin thru CDs but he was with a couple ppl and a bodyguard/security guy at the top of the step and as we (or more like Melody) were waitin for him to turn around, the security guy was like, "Please step up back here, ladies...he's on his own time." So, fine.

And we couldn't get any closer to anybody else so we dropped that mission. There was also a situation with a van in the alley but I won't get into that, haha.

After, Melody and her mom were like, do you wanna get somethin to eat? Where do you wanna go? I was like, OK sure, if you want...wherever's good with me. So random, haha. I just met her the day before and now we were goin to dinner! It was cool tho. We had some gettin-to-know-you conversation and had some laughs about our Yellowcard experience. And at the end, her mom paid for everythin! I insisted on gettin at least my part of the bill but she wasn't havin it. She was even urgin me to get liquor with dinner, haha. Very interesting that day. Good times!


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