Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Aw, I'm a blog neglecter. That will be corrected right about now.

Where did I leave off? Ah yes, the mall...where those butts only spent about a grand total of an hr actually shoppin. So yeah, didn't buy anythin yet again.

Work Fri. More of the same. Don't remember anythin...memorable...that happened that day :P Oh yeah, my shift was open to 4 but I ended up stayin an hr longer AND didn't even get to take my half-hr break all day. I'm surprised I actually didn't die. I didn't have breakfast and ate 'lunch' at 5ish when I got home.

Yeah, so the gen. manager did make a mistake with my schedule. He realized me havin a Sat shift wasn't right and said I could take it off if I still wanted and Kane will just stay a bit longer to cover. I figured forget it, I'll make some money on Sat, go out later, and still have Sun off. And it all worked out so meh!

Didn't have dinner til almost 11:00. STARVING! Me, L, Vick, and Alex went to WEGZ for a bar night out. I'm a bit tired for details so that's that. Oh, we had a great time bein confused and shocked and makin fun of these girls at the table behind us for havin some weird business goin on with their hair high up and random claw clips.

Sat I was lovin the fact that I didn't have work til 3. But that also meant that I was closing at 9. After work, me, Al, and her friend Laura headed downtown for some other friend of Al's bday. We hit Fabrik cuz he was doin some promoting there. Apparently it was Hpnotiq night so they had free samples, mints, and glow sticks. That was interesting. Not much to speak of there. It's a nice place if you just wanna sit and chill. The music could've been better...the DJ was hot but he kinda sucked. We snapped a shot or 2 of him as we waited for better songs to come on, haha. And of ourselves of course - "Take a good picture, girls...cuz this is the last time we're gonna be here!" Haha

Greg from hs was there! I haven't seen him since...hs :P The dude is married.

We got some free shots from the bday boy but we bounced later on. We tried This Is London ($25, no thank you) and Level (ummm...drama out front, somethin about bouncer puttin a chokehold on a guy's wife?). We ended up at Original Motorcycle Cafe, which used to be Indian. I guess it was a PC name change? Which doesn't really make sense cuz they still sell Indian Motorcycle stuff there. Anyway, that was interesting too. We're pretty sure we crashed some kind of company party, haha. But the bartender chick made some awesome Krispy Krunch shots for me tho!

After clubbin, we came back up and went to Golden Griddle. 24 hrs, nice! I didn't go to bed til 5 am.

So Sun, was lovin the fact I had no work :) Damn, how would I ever have made it to work the next day if I went to sleep that same morning? :P

I was all excited that I had Sun totally off to go shoppin. Isn't it a sad case when I'm amped to go to the mall only cuz I actually have the time to? Not that it mattered cuz I was empty-handed AGAIN. What is goin on?? It's not like I wasn't lookin! Well I bought Mean Girls on DVD for my sister's bday comin up :P

I decided this wasn't right and somethin had to be purchased. I was drivin home and work was on the way so I thought I'd drop by to see L, Evan, and Godwin. I got my cell phone cases that I forgot in the break room the day before from L, topped up my cell account with a $30 card, and bought a case for my digital camera and a new battery for my cordless phone on discount. Normally it would've come out to about $40 but I paid less than 20 including tax with staff purchase, rock on!

And today was the 1st day of my week of 6-9 shifts where I will make no money in commissions whatsoever. But of course I don't care all that much cuz there's jack I can do about that. I just ride out my 3 hrs with Evan. I didn't even notice it was closin time while I was finishin up with a customer. Sweet surprises.

Rinse, repeat. I dunno why I'm kinda tired right now, I was fine earlier. Off to bed for me. And sleepin in tomorrow, mmmmm :)


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