Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I was in such a crabby mood as I got to work today. Another 6-9:30'er. I dunno what it was. Then I checked my daily sales reports as I always do and saw I got a return. Of course I did. Well, it was actually an exchange but I remember exactly who the customer was who got the digital camera. Him and his brother exchanged it for a film camera, which is a lot less in price.

Let me just tell the world...if you are not ready for a digital camera, don't go buyin one! If you hafta ask where the film goes, YOU'RE NOT READY!! For real, some ppl do not have the right to be buyin these things.

I didn't like the fact that my sales target took a hit but I guess I couldn't be THAT mad cuz they were nice ppl. But sometimes...geez. There are customers who are stupid annoying and stupid shocking. As in dumb that it's irritating or so dumb that I'm just standin there in disbelief. Honestly.

Here's the entire list of products that I sold today:

1 leather Motorola cell phone case

Yup, that's it. Makin me a grand total of 50 cents in commission, baby.

Oh wait, Vick, Alex, and Vick's sister Margie came in to get a camera fixed. Margie wanted to look at car decks cuz hers got stolen so I helped them out cuz there was nobody in Mobile/Car Audio. I had no idea about anythin, I didn't even know where the stock was stored :P And then a customer stopped me about iPod stereo docks and I was like, awww crud. But nonetheless, Vick and Margie ended up buyin a car deck from me so I guess that counts. Then again it was a layaway deposit so it doesn't really until the deck actually comes in :P Damn, this shift ran on til almost 10.

I don't care, I don't care, I'm off til Fri morning! And the Leafs just won in a shootout so I'm all good.


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