Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm addicted to those flavoured coffee whiteners. I can't have my coffee without them anymore! Mmmm...hazelnut...vanilla caramel...and I've just discovered Fat Free, niiice. But it's probably just makin me put more sugar and calories in my daily diet. Which I'd make a bigger deal out of if I cared more.

My Easter weekend was great. Not that I even do the Good Fri/Easter thing, but it was just so nice just doin whatever for a change.

Fri was Meen's bday thing. She was doin it 5 days after cuz The Man was comin back to town on that day so might as well all go out together. We were supposed to go to the Raptors game but we ended up goin paintballing, haha. It was me, Fish, Chris and J (back home now), Reema, Mo, and a whole bunch of Meen's family clan and some others like coworkers and such. I've had stories about how paintballing went the last couple times I went. This time I was injured like I have never been before, haha. Not that it's particularily funny but you know.

It was chaotic. I got shot in the legs 3 times and once in the face, all in different rounds. Thank god for the goggles. Too bad I had nothing to protect my legs except for my pants. The first two hits weren't that bad, the paintballs didn't even break but one of them hurt enough that I knew it'd leave a bruise. The 2nd was actually when somebdy shot me again as I was walkin off to leave the game, with my hands in the air, sayin that I was hit. I was like, AGH! I SAID I was HIT, fuckers!!

The last shot, holy freakin hell...I got popped in the thigh (apparently at close-range I was idea, it was like in the movies when they say it all happened so fast...I just saw ppl fall around me, haha) and it hurt like a BITCH. So I have a big lumpy, ugly bruise there.

It was a massacre. They really shouldn't let the hardcore crazies with their friggin automatic machineguns play with common amateurs. Where's the fairness?? It's nice to have a hobby but geezus.

Anyway, after paintball Meen wanted to go to All Star for food. Apparently it's a wing palace. Feeeed!

These outings are always interesting. So goes another yr. I can't believe I've known that girl for 18 yrs now. I love ya!!

Sat I got my hair cut FINALLY, and all nicely done cuz we were goin out that night :) My stylist was a sweet older lady...she reminded me so much of L's mom, haha. Then I stopped by work to see Godwin cuz he was dyin and to pick up a phone card, went to the bank. Got a lot of shit done!

Then me, G, and Al hit up Mink just cuz we don't get to go clubbin a lot anymore. Fun times! We had rounds of shooters, met some Aussies, and ran away from some particular guys, haha. There are more stories of hilarity that I can go on about but movin along.

Sun was chill. Cleaned my room, did laundry, etc. Went to Flavours with L and Debbie, and Debbie's friend came later on, then drove around for a midnight food run. Deb is crazy, I also love her.

Mon was a supposed meeting with Clarence before work but there was no time so yay for that. Had a weird 4-9 shift. I have anxiety about makin enough commission! Blar! I think that night was the latest I've stayed. I got out around 10...and I don't even know what I was doin to stay that long.

Oh and Jim got into a tussle with a 'customer'. I was standin at the cash near the exit doors and I just saw some kind of altercation between them and then they took it outside. I was like, holy shit. Somethin about the guy makin the security alarm beep as he went thru but when a couple of the peeps asked him to come back and check it out, he just ignored them and started speed-walkin out. Godwin and Alan were pretty sure he stole a video game cuz it was in their dept. Then the guy came back and went to the customer service desk and tried to 'return' said game. They told Clarenece who went to look at the security tapes. The guy tried to leave again but Jim wasn't lettin him out of the store. I didn't get to see the end of it tho cuz there were all kinds of posters and signs and shit coverin the windows but I heard later on that nothing came of it and the guy got away.

More work this week, what's new. At least today was decent, almost made up for yesterday too. That's all from me, see ya.


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