Thursday, April 13, 2006

3 whole days freeeee from work! Amazing. I don't even remember the last time I had a Fri, Sat, and Sun off all in a row. I can actually not have to wait til it's closing time so I can leave to go out or worry about gettin up the next morning.

I was all, I have a real long weekend startin from Thurs after 4! Thank god for the break cuz my today was just EARNING it. It was quite the shift. This particular customer (I won't bust out with the details cuz that'd just take about 30 sentences), holy crap. I'm sorry but old ppl...they have a hard time understanding you and they can be so stubborn. Oh you know it. You know it when you have to chalk up a misunderstanding to the fact that they're old. I dunno what it is, senility or whatever, but yeah. I didn't say ALL old ppl, maybe not necessarily most but...enough of them to make that generalization, haha.

So then as I was tryin to make enough commission for this week to be above subsidy, Clarence calls me into the office for those dreaded and stressing weekly meetings/talks/whatever to go over my numbers. Sometimes I think the man wants me to draw blood from a rock. There's, like, no winning. There is never 100% satisfaction. Anyway, always after those meetings I'm hatin on Clarence and gettin those feelings of wanting to quit. Then I remembered I didn't have to deal with any of that til Mon so then I was, eff this!

All after Clarence callin me off the floor while I still had half an hr of my shift, to have this meeting for more than a half an hr about how I'm not makin enough sales. Does that make sense! And yet of course, I still didn't get to leave. I had to have the friggin car back in time for my mom to get to work and it's almost 5 and I have to put away some shit that I didn't get to and cover for Kane while he had his 5 min meeting with Clarence. SO...I couldn't even use any extra time between 4 (the time I'm supposed to be done) and 5 (the absolute maximum time I have to leave) to grab any sales to help my commission. Fuck's sake.

I'm now headin out to watch the Leafs game and I'm gonna get reminded of what fun is like this weekend. Holla.


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