Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm gettin a lot of weird numbers callin my cell phone for some reason. At least a good thing about not havin voicemail is that they can't leave retarded msgs for someone who's not me :P

I gotta say, work today wasn't bad at all. There's no way in hell I can be out of subsidy for the week but at least I was on fire for commission and PSP today! This just translates into: me do good, haha.

As compared to yesterday which was such a downer cuz it was weekly meeting time with the GM. About how much my PSP rate sucked of course. I was there almost THREE hrs after my shift was supposed to be done, holy fuck. Nobody can say I don't have dedication! But it's OK with the PSP cuz now it looks like I oh so seriously taken all the advice and critical instruction to heart and bettered myself thru motivation, hee. It's kind of funny tho...who can daps with their manager? Haha. Esp with me bein a girl.

I'm surprised at my energy today tho. I'm still not gettin 8 hrs of sleep (which I know better that I will never get) and yet I wasn't yawning and feelin drowsy. I almost fell asleep standin up while listenin to Steve the ops manager during yesterday's morning meeting! :P

Right now, I'm actually havin a chat on MSN with...Charles! Yeah. I haven't talked to this dude for months and months and out of nowhere there he is and talkin to me. But I guess it's always strange when we have a conversation. I dunno. Maybe that's cuz our...I don't even know WHAT to call it cuz it sure wasn't any kind of relationship, what do you call goin out twice? :P...thing...was kind of weird anyway. Well apparently he and the gf (we were cool enough that we'd talk about it to eachother) were done and all of a sudden he 'might be in my area' and such if I wasn't busy, and he might call. Haha, whatever man.

If you don't remember this character I'm talkin about, you can look back to maybe last summer's posts. Or you can just check out this pic of that actor on "Veronica Mars" who I think Charles looks like, haha.

June's here, new month. Summer of me, dammit.


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