Friday, May 19, 2006

Uhhh...I've been up to mostly nothing except work. I count the days that I have to be there opening cuz it's that much of a deal to me. So, I've had the undesirable morning shifts 7 days in a row. And doin pretty much jack since I don't feel up to doin anythin really for the rest of the day but lounge around, and I'd hafta be in bed at a somewhat reasonable hr for the next day anyway.

Last weekend consisted of stayin 3 hrs longer than necessary on Fri's shift, goin home to eat somethin and change, then rushin back out to The Source (aka what used to be Radio Shack) to do these dumb 'shops' where we all have to visit competition stores to see what they have the same products for what price and what kind of deals they can offer. I was like in enemy territory tryin to get inside information :P I kinda feel bad for the fraudulence.

Then I went to the bank to deposit a $5 cheque that I got from my battery mail-in rebate, haha. And then I went home to type out that tedious shopping form that they'll actually be checkin and puttin in binders. So bureaucratic. That was my Fri night.

Sat morning meeting, had to deal with a couple ppl who were the quintessential retail customer that's cheap/illiterate/stubborn/demanding, and not all that patient or nice. That was a treat. Makes the shift just fly by!

This whole week was the same old stuff. I can feel the negative vibes comin off from work again. Maybe it's that time of the yr when everybody just wants to quit :P

Goin to the mall on Wed was a nice change of pace for me, haha. I went shopping with G and came out with some tops for summer. I got a tank top that says "Drink Pepsi" (hee, had to), a shirt that has some weird funky print that you can see on the inside and the outside of the front (somethin about morning coffee), and a shirt that says "Good Girls go to Heaven...Bad Girls go to Amsterdam" Hahaha!

After we met up with L at DQ. I recommend their new Hazelnut MooLatte...except even the regular size is pretty damn big and I didn't feel so good after finishing the whole thing.

Evan came back yesterday! He's so tanned, I'm jealous of him. I call him Golden Boy now, haha. He brought everybody souvenirs. He had this big sack of goodies and he's like, "Would you like to choose a keychain from this bag or would you like to pick from the Mystery Box?" and he held up a plain white box. I'm like, "Mystery Box! I'd like to go with the Mystery Box, Bob." It was a thing full of those mini-bar bottles of liquor...I thought he had stolen them LOL They were flavoured rums from the Virgin Islands or somethin. I love Evvie.

I had spent a good chunk of Wed's shift talkin on the phone with Al cuz it was just that dead. We were makin half-assed plans for the long weekend cuz the weather here is crap and I wanted to get out, and it somehow got to a random trip to Vegas for a few days.

"Let's go to Vegas."
"Haha, we can't go to Vegas..." *Pause*..."Let's do it!"
"OMG are we really goin to Vegas??"

But of course this was poorly planned and we didn't even get to talk about it more til yesterday. I tried hotel and air packages for last-min deals but nothing was workin out. Travelocity said that you can book up to 3 hrs before your flight but I was gettin zero results. Expedia wasn't even lettin me choose the next day as an option for departure! How it is 'last minute' if you need to book it 2 days in advance?

I was checkin for Vegas, then any of the warmer cities, then pretty much any US destination possible cuz the search was gettin that desperate. It was next to impossible cuz everythin I tried was: A)sold out for Fri-Mon, B)over a grand each, C)picked up just as I was lookin into it and thus no longer available, or D)about a 7 hr flight back with stopovers so that'd waste a whole day just on a plane. Al has work til 1 today and we both need to be back on Mon and most of the flights were ass early in the morning so that'd technically give us only 2 days in the city and that wouldn't be worth it, or late at night and we'd get in on Tues morning when we need to be at work. SIGH. So any trip outside of Ontario looks very unlikely right now. Last minute deals, my ass. You have to plan no matter what! I guess that's really for discount plane tickets tho.

Whatever. I have to do somethin! Go SOMEWHERE! I'll even take Buffalo or an overnight in Niagara. But I suppose the big trip will have to be the one we're takin next month and that'll be when I can have that nice, relaxing summer vacation from work. 4 days not workin is a good break tho :)

I just realized I have to go do this week's fuckin shop thing cuz I'm not in today or tomorrow so I'll have to hand it in Sat anyway. Homework...there's no escaping it.


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