Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm currently catchin up on the 289 episodes of different shows I've taped and haven't gotten to watch til now. And doin laundry, haha. And checkin up on concert listings...which include Edgefest I and II, and what's supposed to be a Taking Back Sunday show but I'm only interested in seein the other bands they have with them on tour, Angels & Airwaves and The Subways. I've completely gone the alternative/emo/rock way :P

Work's been pretty good. Surprisingly nothing to complain about, haha. My general manager came and told me that I was the top associate in my dept and I just said, "No I'm not..." Haha. Apparently I'm even nearly 'in the green'. We're rated in sections of red, yellow, and green out of the whole company or the district or whatever so that's pretty shocking for me :P I'm almost in the top range? Never woulda thought.

I was even like, wow...I made about $200 in 2 days (Sun and Mon). Sweeeeet :) Except Tues was really crappy commission and thank god for those days to make up for it. They had me merchandising, sellin, and stayin extra, whew. Workin me! I had Mon alllll by my damn self for 7 hrs :S And that cell phone activation situation...which is big cuz everyone knows I don't do the cells. That was a whole long, stressful thing which I won't get into but I got it done! I also got to see some of my fav work peeps like Travis and Teddy, and G and L stopped by to bug me for a bit.

Me and L went to Starbucks after. Lots of gossip to catch up on and bitchin to be done, haha. Then we went to Pizza Pizza cuz L was hungry and it was just somethin to do :P At least it's not work and not bein at home!

Yesterday me and L went to the mall in another attempt to actually buy things. I only got an Old Navy tank that says London on the front. I have a weird attraction to England even tho I've never been there.

Later on, we went with Al and G to the Jays game against Oakland. We came in at like the 3rd or 5th inning or somethin like that so we pretty much got a shortened game but whatever, it's the end that counts. We watched a super wasted guy rollin around on the ground beside the hot dog cart that we were near while we waited for Al (who came in her own car). It was pretty amusing. His buddy was kinda drunk too but still able to stand and yell at him to get off the ground. Security got a little concerned and motioned some cops who went over to him, haha. He was just lyin there like he was dead.

It was a super breezy evening and they kept the freakin roof open so it was chilly and we were gettin wind-whipped. Me and Al went around basically the entire Rogers Centre on a quest to find her some tea but they only had coffee as somethin hot to drink in the whole place. Didn't matter, we ended up gettin some Mike's Hard Berry :) I know it's baseball but I just don't do beer.

We visited the souvenir/gift shop cuz Al gets her work discount so we spent some time lookin at Jays gear and such. Hilarious. I was tipsy. G accidentally hit Al in the face with one of those inflatable bats. OMG the look on her face. I can laugh freely cuz she didn't get hurt. We ended up not bein able to get anythin cuz Al didn't have any employee ID on her. Moo. Oh and the Jays won BTW, if that kinda thing's important to you, haha.

Work in the morning, huzzah. I just can't function at that time of the day!


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