Sunday, May 28, 2006

Today was pretty good! No work, got stuff done, and I just might actually go to bed when I mean to tonight.

I originally gave my availability for today for 12-close cuz Vick's bday was Sat so I thought it'd be better to give me some time in the morning since we'd be home late and all. But the GM asked for this weekend and next month's availability so he could make the schedules so I changed mine to get Sun off, haha. And he gave it to me...even tho I sent mine like 4 days after his email and the schedule was made the next day :P

SO! Sat was Vick's bday thing and I had made my shift til 5 so I could have time to go home and get ready for dinner out. Stupid me to think that I'd get out at 5. OK stayin til 6 maybe, I can deal with that. I was stuck at work past 7! It wasn't like I could be like, I have to be somewhere, I'm leavin. It was a big panicky situation that I won't get into but I had to call the girls to tell them to hold off pickin me up cuz I wasn't even home yet. Holy crap, feelin tired from bein up at 8 and on my feet for 10 hrs, then bein all rushed.

Well, we ate at Lone Star where it was pure jokes..."wet tacos", that gigantic blue foam cowboy hat ("I hate you guys"), sittin on tomato bits. Apparently I don't learn from eatin their Chicken Chimichanga cuz it's a big meal but it's so good and I was so hungry. So I ate the whole thing and had water with dinner and made myself full to oblivion. Like full to the point of hurtin :P Just didn't feel good.

Then we were off to Mink and I was just in no mood to be clubbin. Tired and semi-cranky from the day and so much food and liquid just sittin in the pit of my stomach. When we got in, I couldn't even have a drink til at least an hr later cuz there was just nowhere to put it in my body :P Al was supposed to meet up with us there but she got there way later and couldn't get in cuz such a line had built up so that sucked.

I didn't drink at all that night. The only thing I had was coffee, water, and a Coke. I only added to the water madness cuz it was so damn hot in the club and I was thirsty from the dancin. You know when you really feel like you can't drink anymore but you're dehydrated so you just keep on drinkin anyway? Yeah. Wasn't helpful. We left after we couldn't take anymore of the sweaty, muggy heat inside and walked around downtown til we got to the car. Poor Vick, she was sleepin during the drive home :P

And thank goodness I took today off. I slept in and it felt so good. Read the paper, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, did some weights work on the arms which I haven't done in MONTHS, tried out my Tommy sheet set to see if it actually fits my bed :P

Then it was off to the bbq we were havin at work. Free food, who could argue? It was fun. Almost everybody was there and all the family ppl brought their babies. So cute! Oh and one of the highlights was the guys shrink-wrapping Clarence to a chair, hahaha. That's how they send employees off.

Did I mention that yet? Clarence is transferring to another store so we're gettin a new department sales manager! Godwin told me about it but I thought he was just messin around cuz you just never know if he's serious or not. I was like, don't play, this isn't somethin you joke about, haha. I was so sure he was bein an idiot and makin things up, esp since I hadn't heard anythin before that. But it was true alright. I knew it was weird that he wasn't comin down on me lately, haha. So they made an announcement that morning meeting. He is GONE! All those posts bitchin about how those talks in the office made me hate life :P But I gotta say, I'm gonna kinda miss him. If he wasn't on my case, he was decent as a manager. Well I just hope the new guy isn't a hardass who's out to prove somethin and completely overhaul the store or whatever. Apparently he's 21! Yeah...21. Please don't be an asshole!

Well we topped off today (me, L, Al, Godwin, and Debbie) by goin out for ice cream after :) Summer's a-comin. I just freakin love how I have 19 hrs this week, haha. Best shifts ever. I cut my availabilty down for this month cuz really I'm startin to tire of that place. But that's just me, I need some kind of variety when I do the same things each day in the same environment each week. Sounds bad when I say that I'm about thru after 6 months huh? :P


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