Friday, May 26, 2006

Do you like how my Fri nights are usually stayin in cuz I have Sat morning shifts now? I'm so lame. Work has made me lame. And irritated. On Tues I was basically told that if I don't bring my PSP rate up a LOT after 30 days, it won't be lookin good and I'll probably be moved out of the Comm dept. I was thinkin they might even let me go but Evan and Richard said they'd never do that cuz they're short-staffed as it is. Nonetheless, I'm kinda shittin bricks now with this threat over my head. And it really sucks. I would've normally dismissed it as motivation to get my ass in gear cuz that's what happened to my sales target and the managers weren't hardcore followin me up on it but I think this is serious business. The GM was even shadowing me when I didn't know it and it really freaked me out that he was watchin my presentations to customers and keepin track of what I was doin wrong, unbeknownst to me. He'll be havin me come in every week to check my progress. FUCK! Obviously I'm goin thru my 'I hate work even moreso and want to really quit' phase again.

Anyway, I'll stop ranting about work. I just can't believe how much they want this job to be such a big part of our lives. I mean, I'm part-time. This isn't all I do. When I'm not there, I don't want it seepin into my social and home life...havin to stay in some nights and doin this hw garbage and all this other stuff that requires time outside of my shifts.

OK, the bitchin's over. Other than that, my long weekend was alright. Despite not reallly goin anywhere over the 4 days, it was decent.

Sat me and Al were plannin to go clubbin anyway but turned out that Jay from hs was home for the summer and it was his bday. So we went to The Crystal Room and partied up. Shaun A and Snay and a couple other guys from hs were there too, along with some Jay's friends that I've never met before. Crazy times. Jay was smashed before we had even got there, haha.

I had to recover on Sun :P I LOVED havin the time off.

Mon me and Al went to Buffalo. Again, a half-assed plan since we left in the afternoon and didn't give us a lot of time since it takes a couple hrs to drive there and back and with the time to cross the border, esp on the last day of the Victoria Day weekend. And we didn't exchange any currency so we didn't have any American money, which was smart. We used our credit cards to buy all of our stuff but no US cash meant we couldn't buy anythin to eat til we got back into Canada :P

We had left around 1 and got coffee and McD's for lunch on the road. Al had bought a Bop-It cuz she saw it on sale in the window at the toy store when we went to the mall on Sat. Thank god for that thing cuz it provided much fun distraction while waitin for all the cars to go thru border inspection. I know we're late on the Bop-It sensation but really, it's the "best $12 ever spent!" Haha.

OMG by the time we got into NY, we both had to pee so badly. I had to go more than Al tho. I figured I could hold it til we go over the border. There was a rest stop in the building right next to the lanes where all the cars lined up to go thru but that meant I had to get out, go to the bathroom, and come back to the traffic. I was worried that I'd lose Al and not be able to find the car cuz she would've moved up and I'd be runnin up and down yellin for Alice while everyone was idling and lookin at me, haha. By judgin how slowly we were movin, Al wouldn't have gone far at all and I could've walked out and came back to the same spot :P

We ended up goin in a nasty men's washroom in a Wendy's cuz the women's was out of order. Fun stuff after 3-4 hrs in a car.

We hit the Walden Galleria and Al made out like a bandit. She bought a shitload of clothes and a duffel bag which she used as a camoflage gym bag in the trunk so the border ppl wouldn't inspect all the stuff that sent her over the tax limit, haha. I only got a DKNY top and an Abercrombie polo. I was mainly lookin for these Baby Phat kicks but none of the stores had the one with silver trim or didn't have my size. Dammit! I would've bought so much more if we had more time tho. We vowed to leave around 8 so we could get home at a reasonable time since I had work the next morning but as I figured, we didn't go til 9 when they closed :P I had to keep tellin Al to leave things along cuz we had to get outta there.

We were STARVING when we were goin home. The only thing we had that day so far was caffeine and a hamburger for me. We just couldn't take it anymore at the 8:00 hr so we got pretzels. The place accepted Canadian money but at 50% value. Al thought the girl said 15%. 2 pretzels cost $15 cuz Al paid with a 20, geez!

Well we were just about losin our minds on the drive back with the longass wait back into Canada. Al didn't bring her iPod and didn't have CDs in her car except for some old Lauryn Hill, Bond, freakin Z103 Hit Mix, and Our Lady Peace. The same 6 songs were playin on the radio the entire time we were in the car there and back. Can you imagine how deliriously excited we got when a good song that we hadn't heard all day came on? Plus we were just sittin in traffic for a while so we were singin on the top of our lungs and boppin out like crazies.

We got back into town and headed straight for wherever was still open cuz it late. We were havin entire McChicken meals at 1 am. So terrible. But tasted SO DAMN GOOD. We inhaled, haha.

I really didn't want to go into work in 6 hrs. I was in a sleep-deprived daze during that shift. Tues was still good tho cuz me and L went shopping. Refilled an ink cartridge (how nerdy...but I saved $20!), bought a lava lamp and a Tommy sheet set, haha. Then we went to East Side Mario's with Vick for dinner and bubble tea after. Yay for socializing.

I was half there for work for this whole week cuz I was so tired. I spent a lot these days too. I went bananas at Shopper's after work. And I bought The Wreckers' new CD :) I don't like country but I love Michelle Branch.

I got to take an awesome nap yesterday. I meant to just lay down for a bit but ended up sleepin for 3 hrs. I woke up to hear my sister and Matt talkin downstairs and I thought it was the next morning, haha. I looked at the time and it was 8:00 at night :P Didn't know where I was or when it was! Good thing I didn't have work today.

And again, now I hafta go do that shopping hw crap and goin to bed at midnight when I could be at the Maddy barring it up with Kim, Cat, and Al.


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