Friday, July 21, 2006

A week in the life of me...well, I don't remember what happened Fri night. I couldn't get a hold of Al for some reason or another but I guess that was a good thing since I had to work Sat morning.

I got tickets to Edgefest 2! And for $10 each! So after work I jetted to the mall to pick them up from Sunrise Records before they closed.

I was pretty annoyed with Godwin that weekend. I had asked him a while ago if he was interested in goin but he's not really into punk-pop but more metal rock or whatever but he was like, maybe, tell me what bands are gonna be there. It was more of a 'I'll go cuz you have no one to go with you and maybe we'll have a good time anyway' kind of thing. Cuz that's what me and him do, it's bein friends, come on. Anyway, he pretty much said he was down with it but when I was online buyin tickets, I bought 2 cuz someone was comin with me nevertheless. They were 10 bucks, who cares. I texted him about it but never answered back. I saw him at work the next day and he said that he had fallen asleep or whatever. Didn't really matter to me since I already had the pair of tix anyway. Then he was sayin how after talkin to his friends, they had convinced him that the headlinin bands sucked and got whiney about not wantin to go. I wasn't MAKIN him go but the point was that he was pretty much supposed to be goin with me.

It wasn't that big of a deal since I probably could've called someone else like Melody or Jay (army boy). But one of things that pisses me off the most is when ppl flop on plans with you and then somehow try to guilt you about it and tell you not to be upset about it. What the hell is THAT??? Cuz Godwin was like, please don't make me gooooo, I don't want toooo! I'll pay you for the ticket! You can take someone else can't you? Don't be mad at me.

I wasn't particularily mad but his attitude was just super irritating. Anyway, I was semi-not speakin to him a couple days after that. I honestly wasn't tryin to be mean or anythin. After the way he was actin, I just didn't feel like talkin to him all friendly and like, so what's up? Do you get a lunch today? Wanna go together?

SO, the way he is, he gets moody and down when he thinks someone's mad at him. And gettin into the details of what makes Godwin will take a book and a half so I won't get into that but ppl at work like Evan and L know what I'm talkin about. So he got all mopey that I was apparently mad at him even tho I said hi to him on the way to my dept when I was startin my shift. THAT thing about him is even more annoying than not goin to the concert with me!

Well that's enough about that, we're fine now. Fish and me, however! I'm pisssed at HER. Sat night was Ryan (Al's guy from Fez)'s bday thing. Al was already downtown with him so I had to make it there on my own. Fish had called me up earlier wantin to do somethin so I asked if she wanted to go to Fez for a couple hrs. As usual, she wasn't feelin up for much besides anythin low-key and local. It was phone calls and texts all night between me and Fish and Al. Fish kept on delayin the decision with tellin me to call her back, havin to take a shower, then her sister comin home so she had to talk with her for a while, etc etc. Then she was finally convinced into comin downtown and she was all, OK I'm comin to pick you up.

I half expected to her to back out at the last min cuz she ALWAYS does this but that's like jinxin it. I'm not even exaggerating. I should've known better cuz she's notorious for bein the flop-out friend. Sure enough, she calls back a few mins later to say, "Would you be mad at me if I said I wasn't goin?" FUCKKKKK. You'd think I'd be used to this behaviour after all the past instances, but it was still just unbelievable. And all the other times, I shook it off cuz whatever, it's Fish and that's what she does, I don't get in a big shit about it. But this time, that just wasn't right! I was dressed and ready, she had said she was on her way, and then she doesn't go. And whole conversation after that was her tryin to convince me to not be mad. You can't pull somethin like that then tell someone how to feel about it!! Geezus. I tried so hard to not to cuss her out just cuz I don't like the drama and then her bein upset at ME, which is damn ironic. And she still doesn't believe that her word doesn't mean much when she 'promises' to come out or to be here or there or do this or that. Cuz it really, truly doesn't...that's not just me soundin bitter either.

Rawr! After all that, I'm just not callin her anymore cuz it's kinda pointless. She works too much anyway so she doesn't have a lot of time to talk to anyone so really, it's nothing too different :P

Anyway, by that point in time, it was late so I didn't end up goin anywhere that night. Al was like, what happened to you?? I got to talk to her tho and she was comin with me to Edgefest. I had Sun off for it.

Al had some Amazing Race-type thing that Toronto does every now and then so she was downtown for the day. I headed down there by myself and she tells me that Ryan was comin too and she'd tell me later. I said OK. Then she said that Adam was comin too, haha. I was like, alrighty, more ppl's cool. They had tickets for some reason too so we were all goin as a group.

They met me at Molsom Amp in time for Hawthorne Heights' set. Heard of them but don't know their music, and none of them cared about them either so we just had some beers and chilled for a bit on the lawns. I was just there for All-American Rejects and Yellowcard. We were on the lawns even tho it was general admission for all the seats but they were like, it's more fun here. At the back, the furthest from the stage, with no roof, haha. And Adam smokes so that was the only area you could smoke. I didn't care tho, it was still good.

Adam had just come from the Jays game so he was already loaded. Dude makes me laugh. And it's cool when Al and Ryan pair off cuz they're actually dating or 'seein eachother' or whatever, cuz it's not weird with me and Adam. He doesn't hit on me or makes it awkward. He drunkenly touches me and we sit against eachother and whatnot, haha...but I mean, by the looks of it, we probably seem like we're together but there's nothing sexual about it really. I don't dig him that way. Like, I can pretend to be all over him and he won't take that as an invitation to get in my pants, haha. He puts his arm around me, I play-flirt with his hat, we joke around, I punch him the balls, whatever, haha.

The show was good. The bands looked a little small but the view from lawns is still surpringly decent. I was half watchin YC and half keepin Adam in check with his drunken heckling and rollin down the hill, haha.

After Edgefest, we walked a bit cuz it was inexplicably hard to hail a cab, then got one to Ryan's condo. We chilled and watched Ali G DVDs for a while til we were all passed-out tired and Al drove me and Adam home.

I took Evan's shift on Mon cuz for the first time in a while, I got a Sun shift and I had the concert so he switched with me. At work there was this young-ish mom woman who wanted to get a new cell phone. Admittedly, I took a while with her activation cuz I don't know what I'm doin as well as Kane does but still, they're not a quick process in the first place. She was kinda impatient. I'm tryin to get somethin sorted out from Telus on the phone and she keeps talkin over the automated options to me while she clearly sees me on the phone. She was askin how to acces her msgs and I'm thinkin, your phone's not even activated yet, who cares? I'm tryin to do this, stop tallkin. Then I finally get a rep on the line and they need her personal information. I pass the phone to her and she's like, wait a min, I'm doin my voicemail. She's settin up her personal msg while the guy's on hold. It's not activated yet, nobody knows you got a new phone so any calls will be goin to your old voicemail, are you dumb? Do you hafta do that now?? She was actin like she had to be somewhere and now she's makin the Telus rep wait! Customers. Then when it was all done, she spent more time lookin at this cell phone for kids for her son and askin about family plans and whatever. I'm like, holy crap, you can't change anythin now, why are you askin about it AFTER it's all done and takin up more time from where you're supposed to be in a hurry to get to?

Make a long story shorter, it was all fine but she came back just as Kane started his shift. The ONE time I didn't open up the box to show the customer everythin it came with (to eliminate them comin back and bitchin they're "missin" accessories), this woman has a problem. She's adamant that the Razr comes with a car charger but it doesn't. She was goin back and forth with Kane. He knows his shit and he's like, no it doesn't. She says she just went in the Rogers store and she opened one in there and it had one. I'm pretty sure she didn't know what she was lookin. Also, if it did have a car charger, it's a Rogers Razr not Telus, which is the one she had so it doesn't matter anyway. Kane's like, I can guaran-TEE it doesn't come with one but the woman's like, you can guarantee all you want...blah blah blah.

God I hate it when customers are convinced they're right and soooo stubborn about it. Well she was irritated enough that she was one of those ppl who you can tell would get pissed off any second now and explode so you better just do what they want to avoid drama, so we threw in a car charger for her.

We needed her receipt, which she had in her car so she had to go back to the parkin lot and get it. She was all in a huff, then walkin out, she kept droppin her things like keys and sunglasses and I could just tell she was gettin VEXED, hahaha. If it was me and I was already in a pissy mood then I had to keep pickin up my shit that fell (aka dropped due to my own fault), I would've yelled "FUCK!!" right then and there, haha. I was anticipating it from the woman :P Then she got stopped at the exit doors, hahaha. Everybody gets stuck at them. They clearly say EXIT and have the red sign on them but they're the doors that you enter from so they assume it's the same way out, except you hafta leave by the doors at the cash. So she was expecting them to automatically open but the had to go around. Oh man, I would've LOST IT by that point, haha.

I lined up at customer service to do the charger for a penny while she got the receipt. She came back huffy and said "Excuse me" to give it to me cuz my back was turned. At least she didn't fling it at me and yell "Here!" I think she calmed down a bit tho cuz she was civil when I finally took her to cash.

Just thought you'd appreciate that story.

Ummm...Tues was more work. Started at 9:30, stayed an extra hr and a half til 6:30, ew. Wed, Thurs work.

Today I have off, yay. Somethin shall be done tonight :)


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