Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Where did I leave off last? Ah I was gonna see Nacho Libre but didn't! I was goin with Al and Laura but Al had to drop by work for a bit beforehand and ultimately made us late. Well, we technically didn't even know which theatre we'd be watchin it at or any of the movie times but still. By the time we got to the Grande, it was past 11 and they weren't even SHOWIN that movie :P We drove to Richmond Hill to see if we could catch a late show there but there weren't any anywhere.

We ended up at some bubble tea place, which turned out to be a very very nice bubble tea place with a cool patio. It happened to be next to Brix, which we've all heard about (good and bad) so it was between those two places. (I will be laughin to myself as I recall some quotable gems)

"Both are packed. Cougars or fobs? Pick." Hahaha.

We had awesome and hilarious conversations about random subjects while Laura attempted to finish off a drink that was way bigger than it would ever need to be.

"The Large is HUGE. I'm not kiddin."
"Holy shit! Who ordered the pitcher of beer??" Hahaha.

Anyway, that was Fri. Sat was work. I dunno how I got thru those 8 1/2 hrs cuz it was just draggin but it went.

That night was Chief's bday so the crew were gonna be at Fez. Every time I'm out with those girls, it's trouble (aka a good time). Jokes, pure jokes.

Al linked up later on and it was all in all a fun night. Fez got new management so there's been a renovation and they've classed themselves up. But I'm glad I can still wear runners there! Kim was waitin for us there in shorts and flip flops, haha.

When we left and they went to get burritos, it must've been allergies cuz as soon as I was outside I started sneezin like crazy and my eyes were tearing non-stop. So I looked and felt hell-ish from the resta the night on. At least we were goin home at that point.

Sun I originally wanted to go to the MMVAs since this yr they had ppl that I actually really wanted to see like Yellowcard, Amy Lee, and Nelly Furtado with Timbo (wasn't a big fan of hers before but I'm diggin the new stuff). Buuut since no one was really gonna go with me, coupled with the fact that it was pretty hot that day and the family wanted to do a Father's Day bbq thing, I didn't go. Also the thought of hysterical teenyboppers pressed up against me at all sides didn't seem so appealing after all. Amy Lee was just presenting an award for like 10 seconds and YC was playin on the side stage so it wouldn't have been worth it I think anyway. Cuz if I were to scam my way in (a la last yr's MMVAs, heehee) then I'd be in the parkin lot where the main stage was, haha. Do what's wrong but do it right, that's how I roll! Haha. Ah well. Quality time with the parentals, bro, cousin, and aunt...and the cat who comes by every day moochin food, haha. I roasted marshmallows, s'all good with me :)

*Yawn* Worky worky. All morning shifts of course. Been doin pretty well this week tho. I KILLED yesterday. $100+ and 30% PSP, whaaaaat! In a 4 hr shift :D Sometimes I really hate this job, and damn do I hate it. But when I love it, I LOVE it!

This will probably change by tomorrow, haha. Cuz it's 9:30-4 and it'll feel super long or be super annoying.

I'm thinkin of getting Nelly and Keane's new CDs. Obviously we have them at work but I haven't gotten to listen to any of the albums' songs yet so I dunno if Iwanna buy them just yet. Speakin of Keane, they're doin a late-announced intimate show at The Mod Club on Mon! Now...for the usual task of gettin someone to go with me...


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