Thursday, September 14, 2006

I think I'm gettin so bored or tired or annoyed with work that I don't even wanna post about it. Not that readin about it would be missin out on much.

That's why I live for the weekends, when I can actually do things and have fun.

Sat was some fun times. Me and Al were goin to some place called Kai which neither of us had ever heard of, even tho it's in the club district. It was her friend (more some guy who she went out with twice who she doesn't dig at all but he still kinda likes her) John's thing cuz he's a promotor and it was some Asian-themed party that night so we were gonna check it out. And if we didn't like it, then we'd meet up with Ryan later on.

As I figured, Kai's one of those small, upstairs lounge-type places hidden in a bigger building that you access thru the alleyway :P It was decent enough but they were spinnin house the entire time so we weren't havin a lot of fun. And it wasn't too busy but we found out later on that everybody was on the rooftop patio. It was a very nice effort tho, there were flower petals everywhere and they had a little martial arts show with 2 guys performing.

Greg from hs came with his wife and her cousin so it got a bit better. Lots of rounds of shots were had. And of course the good thing about these events that John does is he gets us free shots too, haha.

After we took all the house music we could take, me and Al bounced and took a cab to Mick E. Finn's where Ryan and his friends were. We were drunk by this point cuz it was like almost 1 and the bar just capped it all off.

But Al lost her camera! We're not 100% sure but it's safe to say she left in the back of the cab when we got to Mick E. Finn's. I guess we were too smacked to notice that she her camera out of her pocket to get her money out and left it behind. We did a lot of visual backtracking to figure out where she could've lost it so that was the logical conclusion.

She was pretty much like, "DAMMIT!!" but then we partied it up at the pub, haha. It was a nice camera tho. And we have no idea what cab company it was. I thought the taxi was yellow and Al was like, it was we don't have a clue. "The driver was nice." That's great, Alice...that helped a lot LOL It's just a relief that she uploaded all the pix before that night to her computer already and deleted them off the memory card cuz the bachelorette pix were on there! We don't need anybody seein those.

Anyway, I didn't know who was there with Ryan at the pub and we didn't see him when we walked in so I unsoberly yelled, "Ryan! Ryannnnn!" and some guy in front of us turned and said hi. I looked at him and was like, who the hell is this? Al yells, "Scott!" and runs toward him. It took me a second before I looked back at him and I'm like, oh, SCOTTY! Haha. I didn't recognize him at all cuz he had a hat on and he was wearin his glasses.

Adam and Neil and some other guy was there too. All of them together is ridiculous. Me and Al met some other randoms too, it was kinda bizarre. But when you're a bit wasted, it's not weird at all, haha. It was some guy's bachelor party and we signed this blown-up inflatable sheep, haha.

Closing time came pretty quickly and we all separated. We shared a cab with Scott and Ryan til the lot where we parked. Then Al was like, I don't think I can drive. So we chilled in the car for a bit but we figured it'd be a while til she sobered up. She was okay to drive cuz she wasn't sloppy hammered but if she got a breathalyzer test from a cop, she'd be fucked for sure so she called up Ryan and asked if we could chill at his place cuz he lives pretty close.

The plan was to say for a couple hrs to sleep it off so she and Ryan slept in his room and Ryan's roommate was out of town so I was in the bed of some guy I've never met. That was just fun to tell ppl...that I slept in some guy I don't know's bed the other night, haha.

Ryan said we could let ourselves out cuz we didn't want to get him up and walk us out cuz his condo had some weird security thing where you can't get out without the electronic key. So we just left with his door unlocked and had to get the security guy downstairs to let us out to the parking garage. It felt like we were doin the walk of shame cuz we were 2 girls groggily leavin a guy's apt at 5 am with our clubbin clothes and heels, haha.

So we had planned on goin to Wonderland on Sun, before gettin drunk and goin home from downtown the night before/that same morning so it was happening nonetheless.

It just so happened that I didn't have work on Sun after all and it was the better day weather-wise so Sun it was.

I figured not too many would be there since it was fall season and the park was only open during the weekend. Who knew so many ppl would have the same idea as us and were goin to Wonderland too? It was surprisingly busy but it dropped off when evening came around. They close at 8 in Sept so a lot of ppl were leavin around 6.

Some common's not a good idea to ride roller coasters after a night of drinkin and 8 hrs after you've puked :P We somehow managed to get up around 1 and managed to get there at a decent time so we actually did the whole park. But after almost every ride, I was not feelin too good. It probably would've been a lot more fun if I wasn't feelin the way I was.

But we did get to go on The Italian Job and we just finished The Bat as the place was closin.

It's good to make somethin of the weekend :)

This week sucks to 4's Mon-Fri, blah. And I only have Sat off just cuz I had to book it off for Chris and J's wedding. Well not actually cuz when the new schedule was put out, I saw 4-9 for me on Sat and I was like, wtf I booked it off. If they didn't change it, I was gonna say eff it. I wasn't gonna miss their wedding for it, they could fire me if they wanted cuz there was no way I was gonna be at work that day. I talked to the gen. manager about it and he just didn't see my availability I guess so he took me off.

I have to be at work for friggin 8 tomorrow! Which means I have to get up at 7!! You might say so what, who doesn't get up at that time? But this is me, I'm no morning person by any means and everybody who knows me knows that gettin up at 7 am is a very big deal.

And I don't even see the need to be at the store at 8 when we don't even open til 10. The gen. manager said he was experiementing with times for ppl to be there on Fridays cuz the new flyer's out and normally startin the morning meeting at 9 still didn't allow for a lot of time to open for 10. They like to talk a lot so usually there's lot of rushing and goin over time so I guess he got a bit dramatic and wanted to start 2 hrs before. Geez. I'm not gettin breakfast for sure tomorrow cuz I know I won't have time for anythin else as it is.


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