Friday, August 25, 2006

Well I've been workin 10 days in a row of killer shifts. I think it's vacation time again! This is exactly the kind of thing that makes you sick of the workplace. You just need OUT. Or away.

So, nothing spectacular that I can think of that happened this week.

Oh the weekend was decent. Don't remember what happened Fri. I figured my Sat night was ruined cuz it was a 10 hr shift til close and I'd be tired and too late but me, L, and Deb ended up at Shmooze. I watched myself with the cheap drinks tho. It was Deb who wanted to get wasted, haha. The dancin, Horse Man Girl, the ppl on the patio...good times.

Anyway, besides work as my entire life, there hasn't been much. Oh, some customer at work was full-out yellin at somebody that the whole store heard. I was talkin with another customer in my dept when there was some loud noise comin from up at the front at the customer service desk but I couldn't hear what the person was sayin, I figured it was a kid screamin or somethin. Then he kept on and was like, "BECAUSE I'M FUCKIN FRUSTRATED!!!" He was so loud, it was scary. You know when you get so emotional when you yell that you're kinda wavering? That's what I heard in his voice, like he was totally ENRAGED. Everybody just stopped and listened. The customer I was with actually went around the corner and walked up there to see what was goin on. I didn't wanna be a crowd around whoever the guy was that was yellin cuz nobody likes to be stared at, esp if they're already pissed off. I'm still not sure what it was all about cuz I keep forgettin to ask whoever was up there what happened but apparently he was yellin at Ty. The crazy guy was mad cuz of his computer. His modem or whatever broke down twice and he was fed up at the product or the store's service at handlin it or whatever. I walked further up and peeked around and saw the gen. manager talkin to the guy over the counter so I first thought he was yellin at him and that would just be the WRONG person to do that to :P But I guess he got in there to smooth it out. Then he walked with the guy to his office, I'm assuming so he wouldn't continue makin a scene. The GM's really good at talkin with ppl, but I have a feeling that he was tellin the guy he wasn't havin this shit but quiet enough so that nobody else could hear, then convincin him to go somewhere private to sort it out, haha.

That was some friggin drama. OK, I know you can get upset but damn, do you really need to yell like that? So much that every single person in the place can hear you and get concerned? Like shut up, nobody wants to hear you. And there's kids around, relax. You don't get anythin accomplished if you raise your voice in such a shockingly disrespectful way, it makes you come across as an animal. Be fuckin civil.

It's a kinda weird vibe at work. It's end of the month and back to school season so the pressure's on. I'm still up in the Green tho :) I just desperately need to get more PSP. It's kinda sad the lengths I go to and the concern that I give it, haha. I actually had a shift today that was only 4 hrs and even then I stayed longer cuz I wasn't makin enough commission to offset subsidy for the week plus I needed the PSP numbers. It's been so slow lately and absolute crap PSP sales for some reason. I had to turn down drinks at lunch with Travis cuz I figured I'd stay at work a bit longer :P Then I thought it was dumb to wait around when it wasn't gonna get any busier so I went home and ate. I told Kane and Richard that I might might come back later, haha. Then I got lazy chillin since I was already at home.

Me and L went to the mall cuz I haven't been in the longest time. I got a Kill Bill 1 & 2 set for $18.99, nice. I tried lookin for new boots and a watch but I figured I should save my moneys. The credit card bill came, haha. And we're goin to Niagara Falls tomorrow! And Chris' bachelorette in Montreal the next weekend. I dropped off S's wedding present/money to G today too. And me and L still have to handle Vick's plane ticket. Shit. At least I'm gettin paid tomorrow too. I think it was a fate thing that I didn't get tickets to the Keane concert cuz the lead singer ended up havin to go to rehab and the show wasn't happening :P

I just realized I have to pack, haha. We're only sleepin over one night but knowin me, it'll take me a while. I'm just glad I don't have work tomorrow, woo!


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