Friday, June 03, 2005

Today's word is productive. I actually got some decent sleep, folded laundry, printed out resumes, and got some exercise. I biked outside for a while then did some crunches. I don't even remember the last time I was on a bicycle, which is retarded cuz it's not like it's somethin that's hard to pick up again but it still felt kinda weird to me. It wasn't even mine cuz some fucker stole mine yearrrrrrs ago and I never did get a new one so I borrowed my brother's badass mountain bike. OMG can you imagine the physical inactivity? I'm probably gonna hurt tomorrow. Sad. I got flashbacks of hs sports when I was actually in shape and how used to bein hot and sweaty I was. That wasn't a good feelin today. I hate sweatin...and the workout sorta made me feel like I was about to puke, haha. Oh well, it's the effort.

Last night I went out with Al and Chris to Jackass. And saw Chrissy's big sparkly engagement ring...DAMN. We got caught up with trip stories and engagement party plans and whatnot. Good times. I pre-drank so I think I had a bit more fun earlier in the night than they did :P

I dunno what's goin on for tonight. Friends suck sometimes...betta check yourselves! Haha. An online buddy of mine is in town for vacation and we've never met but I think I might show her and her friend around downtown this weekend. I'll take them to all the strip bars and crazy clubs, haha.

OK time to blowdry my hair. Feels good to be clean...and not sweltering!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Argh, I would've gone with the girls to the Parasuco sale before Al had to work but here I'm thinkin, good thing I couldn't cuz I had to be online at 10 am to get Coldplay pre-sale tix. Didn't even get those! I'm a member and registered and it's all straight. But we didn't know that tix were either $57 or $71. Not crippling but it's gettin up there. So we decided before that as long as we're there for the show, it's all good, get the cheaper seats. It woulda been fine except that it was a US/Europe handler site (not Ticketmaster) and everythin was in US dollars...and with the Canadian dollar, that was gonna spike up. Plus international shipping. Whaaaat the eff. I called G and with L on the other line, we said screw it and take our chances on Sat morning when it goes on sale to the general public. So that was for crap.

And I didn't get to sleep. It's not too bad tho cuz Chris is back from her trip and we talked for a bit. I can't believe a month passed already, that can't be right.

I need to go to bed earlier. I have problems :P Last night, we just rented Blade Trinity (I love Ryan Reynolds, so funny) so it's not like I was partyin up hardcore. The world needs to shift so evening is the norm instead of morning and then I wouldn't be so off balance!

"One, that hairdo is...ridiculous." LOL

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I wrote a poem. It goes like this:

Gettin up in the morning sucks.

I'm startin to crash. P is supposed to quit her job today so I'll find out if she actually did it. I think we were supposed to go hand out resumes today but I realized I still need to update mine. And I'm that's out. Plus I haven't heard from her yet, hopefully everythin went OK at work.

I'm listenin to songs from last summer. Memories! Everythin's happenin in June, it's crazy. I just RSVP'ed for my convocation. My mom is understandably more into it than I am. And of course the pictures...I bad with pictures. Very bad with pictures. I'm only doin it for my parents! When I was helpin her in the kitchen, peelin potatoes and choppin itty bitty pieces of cucumber, she was tellin me stories about the jobs she had when she was younger and the life of her and my dad when they were startin out and such. And while I was doin this jail-type hand labour with the food, I could only be like, well I can't complain right now can I dammit, haha.

Some Toronto love...Ludacris has a song called "Pimpin All Over the World" with these lyrics:

I used to think that it was way too cold, til I went to Canada and
saw some beautiful hoes now I hit the Caribana every year in Toronto

Hahaha, yayuh! And the girl from Canada won Miss Universe...and she's from the T-dot. Smilies!

I've been out since 3:30. It was like an errands day for L cuz she wanted to develop her pictures, check her work schedule, look at bikes (she's 12 and wants one for a Christmas present...who buys a bike anymore? Haha), etc. We were in Canadian Tire for some time while her pix were gettin done. God, we looked at everythin. Automotive - car wash stuff, sound systems, FLOOR MATS...Outdoors - bikes, helmets, campin stuff, fishin stuff, pool stuff, BB guns, paintballs, tennis rackets (which we used to rally and promptly lost a ball into the shelves...we were gonna get scolded soon enough so we jetted outta that aisle). We even went out into the garden section outside to look at flowers and plants and shit. I'm like,'s like we're out shoppin for things to buy for our home together, this would be so much fun, haha. If only we were that rich and actually roommates...or spouses, haha.

Then it was off to McD's, then back to L's house, around her block for a walk, flaggin down G like hookers as she drove on her way to L's, haha. I think we really like chillin at G's cuz we ended up there again. Sarah was home so we hung out for a while til she begged us to take her out, so the 4 of us went to Milestone's. Sarah's a nut. Also, she is a drama queen. But she's funny so it makes it OK. I scared our waitress cuz we were sittin out on the patio and it was gettin chilly so we went inside to pay the bill and I did credit card so I had to give the tip receipt back to her and she was busy at her order station and I said hi and she whipped around and was like, OH!! Oh OK, thank you, have a good night! Haha. Slow service tho...I dunno what it is with the places we go to lately, it takes like half an hr or more to get our orders. G always ends up almost cryin cuz she's so hungry, haha.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Fri we went to Casey's and Al skipped out early on work and met up with us there :P I gave in to my old enemy Smirnoff Twisted Green Apple, haha. Tastes so good but gets me so bad. Oh it got me twisted alright. I didn't know what anyone was sayin anymore. I didn't know what I was sayin anymore apparently. Then they wanted to watch a movie for some reason and I'm like, are you kiddin me? Could be interesting but I don't see the point if I'm too out of it to follow what's goin on in the movie or if I fall asleep halfway thru it. We went across to the AMC but they weren't showin Madagascar but all their last shows already started anyway. Then we went to Morningside and their last shows were done too. Yeah we didn't think this thru properly. We just hit Timmy's and had more good time conversations. We were so ridiculous drivin home cuz Al was in her own car and we were rollin up on her. We opened the windows and screamed and gave some impressive rock faces and poses I must say, haha. She turned to see who the crazies were and her face was just gold.

Sat me and G wanted to hit the clubs but Old Woman L didn't feel like it so we just watched Madagascar. Such a funny movie! And it's SO cute. I wanted to see it mostly for the penguins, I love them! Fuckin cross-eyed British one! Hahaha. And Ali G does the voice of the the lemur king!

After the movie, we hit BP. I love the weather at night around this time. It's not cold but it's not sweltering hot like in the day.

Yesterday I called Vick to say happy bday, did my nails, vacuumed the entire house and cleaned up the pit that is the TV den, and cleared off all the stuff I had on my floor. Ahhh accomplishments. I've also accepted the fact that I didn't go to the Keane concert. I did actually call Larry about it but no one picked up and I don't think he has my other number. Oh well to that! Geez, everybody's always askin me about him. I think they all like him more than I do, haha.

After, I went over to G's cuz she wanted my Alias tape and she had rented In Good Company so we watched that. Then I helped her role-play for her call situations for work the next day. She's gettin monitored/tested/what-have-you on how she deals with ppl on the phone. She says it'll be a case of keep or fire but I think she's just bein dramatic cuz she's nervous.

Then somebody called her cell and I couldn't hear the conversation but I could kinda hear the other person's voice and it sounded like some crazy person the way they were goin on. But I couldn't tell if it was male or female...maybe it was just someone who didn't speak english. They kept askin for somebody we didn't know and G kept sayin they had the wrong number but they just kept on talkin. I woulda hung up a long time ago and I was even mouthin to G to tell them to eff off and hang up already. Then they were askin what G's name was and all this. I dunno, they sounded really anxious or hyper and for a minute, I thought it was one of those situations like in the movie Cellular and they were tryin to reach somebody, anybody, cuz they were in trouble cuz then the person was like, "Don't hang up! Don't hang up!" Then someone else comes on the phone and is like, hello? G pauses and is all, wtf...L??? You fuckin whore! Hahahaha. That was awesome. Apparently while L was at her cousin Sandy's engagement party, her 9 yr old cousin Vicky was playin with her phone and called her randomly and talked all that nonsense. Got G so good. Basically cuz we were like, who is this FREAK? But of all ppl, only G would've stayed on the line for that long...and just as she was sayin "I'm hangin up now" and actually about to do it after sayin it about 5 times, L comes on. Ji-larious.

L had taped SNL so I did get to see it :) Yay Coldplay, and I suprisingly like Lindsay Lohan...but she didn't look healthy. Not like my opinion counts towards Hollywood celebrities that I don't know.

And Desperate Housewives! OMG! These season finales are crazy...Smallville, 24, Gilmore Girls, Amazing Race, OC, Joan of Arcadia (they friggin cancelled it...upset!), America's Next Top Model. I love me my TV.

And I think that about covers all of the weekend. The end.