Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I had a pretty wicked weekend. And yourselves? :)

Fri...got paid, hit the mall real quick to get L's present for her bday thing that night, went to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory, Angie's back in town from Japan for a couple weeks, bounced around from Shmooze, to Level, to Distrikt before settling on the latter.

"Card in my slot, card in my slot!" Hahaha! That would be that night's line to remember.

Sat...Al's bday party. Headed downtown early to Yuk Yuks cuz the DVP was closed for the weekend. Al was doin a dinner/comedy show package they have. Food was good, the headlining comic was hilarious. He got a sexual offer from a girl in the front row. Kim told him what she would've done to top that after the show was done and we had stopped at his merch table, haha.

Then we (Al, me, Kim, J, Chris, Laura, and Al's uni friends Ryan and Joel et al.) hit Montana's for drinks and watched the Leafs lose in a shootout. Boo urns.

Headed to Easy & the Fifth or The Fifth Social, whatever it's called now, only to be told that Al's guestlist 'confirmation' wasn't so confirmed after all. Somethin retarded like the door guy didn't have an updated list or some crap. So we went to good ol' Mink instead.

I cannot tell you how many drinks that girl had. In the hotel room (I'll get to that), we tried to count out how many each of us bought her to figure out the night's total :P

So Al, with all her good intentions, was set on havin an early cut-off time for drinks at 11. She had work training sessions all weekend that she didn't really have a choice to take cuz it meant she'd get a certificate and it was one of those 'gotta take the opportunity' situations cuz work was payin for it (which took her a yr to wrangle) and she wouldn't normally do it if she had to cover the cost cuz it's damn expensive.

Anyway, so she was comin straight from training that day to dinner, then she had to be back there early the NEXT morning for Sun too. Crazy chick. It was in Oakville so it's not close by either.

So her original plan was to get the drinkin out of the way, have enough time to sober up and drive herself an couple of us home, sleep for a few hrs, then drive to training. Not so much!

It was round after round of shots and she got so wasted, it was gold. I've always said that as long as I've known her, I've never seen her drunk. It's pretty much a task to get that one hammered cuz she's got some tolerance. I've seen her get a bit tipsy but that's about it. Then she always brings up how I missed the one epic time she got totally fucked up at her house party for her 22nd but I didn't get to witness it cuz friggin her and L combined bdays but did separate activities so we had to jet from Al's party before any of the drunkeness went down. If those damn Oct ppl didn't have bdays so close! Not my fault!

But this yr was this yr!:D Oh and was it a good one! She got pretty sloppy towards the end cuz we all uknowingly bought her shots at the same time, as her time deadline crept up, haha. She was talkin funny, walkin funny...well, it wasn't really walkin anymore, haha. Ryan and Joel had to hold her up for the rest of the night. Ji-liarious.

We were all up on the patio when Al wanted to go the washroom so me and the girls helped her go downstairs. When she came out of the washroom, she decided to take a nap standin up supported by the ledge over the stairs goin down to the first floor. We tried to get her to keep movin but she was pretty out of it.

The security guy at the patio door told us we had to move from that area cuz but we weren't about to all pick her up and carry her or anythin. We just hoped she didn't throw up over the ledge and onto somebody below, haha. The security guy saw that Al wasn't in a condition to move on her own so he called another security guy and told him to help her downstairs. I was like, oh my, don't tell me this is gonna be a bday that she's so wasted that she was hauled out by security, haha. But the bigger security dude just escorted so she wouldn't fall down and go rollin. I thought it was a matter of seconds before he had to just pick her up and carry her :P

He helped her down another flight of stairs and out the doors so she could get some fresh air. Chris stayed with her while me and Laura got the coats. We weren't sure if we were leavin but we figured that was enough for Al. So, it was time to bounce.

Not til Al puked tho, haha. She was sittin on this concrete ledge thing right outside the club entrance, with a metal gate on it. Not sure what it was...fencing, I guess. She turned like she wanted to throw up and everybody got outta the way and Chris directed her the other way so she wouldn't puke on the sidewalk. Al tried to fit her her thru the metal bars or somethin but realized she wouldn't fit, haha...so she just projected thru them and threw up in the shrubs. And got some on herself. But anyway!

It was clear that there was no way in hell she'd be able to drive herself home in less than a couple hrs so Ryan was like, that's it, we're gettin a hotel room. The closest one was the Hilton so we walked over and he got a room. I was like, the Hilton? Are you sure? Haha.

We collapsed in the chairs in the lobby while Ryan booked it and we got looks from the doormen or bellboys or whoever they were :P I'm SURE that wasn't the first time seein a drunk girl comin in the middle of the night to get a room. All 7 of us made our way up to our room, escorted by 24-yr old Tyler (which we know cuz Al felt like havin a nice conversation with him in the elevator).

Al ranted about how she wanted pizza before she went to bed but it was takin long so she made us promise to wake her up when it came. We just let her sleep tho. And of course she got kinda mad when she woke up later on and saw pizza :P

We basically stayed in that room talkin amongst ourselves for hrs, watchin over Al and makin sure she was still breathing and such. Good times. Everybody was startin to crash but I wasn't even tired. Kinda bored tho, cuz we had to keep it down so there was no TV and we had to whisper. And you can only be just sittin there chattin for so long. I was like, well...4 more hrs, haha.

They set the wake-up call for 5 am so she could get herself together and get her car, which was parked in a lot a few blocks away, out by 6. But then she was like, nobody's gonna check that early, it's a Sunday. So she fell asleep again and had some more time to sober up. We were all over the room by then and during the course of the night I think everybody had made it around the room at least once, haha. Ppl on the bed, in the chair, on the dresser/table thing next to the TV, the sofa lounger. It was pretty much me and Ryan who stayed up the entire time. Well, I had finally dozed off in the morning cuz I ended up in the bed with Chris on my left, Laura near the bottom to my right, and Al on the far right. It was pretty tight cuz somehow we had gotten on the bed one by one thru the night and I couldn't move much cuz I didn't wanna wake Chris or Laura up. And I was still awake so I didn't have anyone to talk to so I lay/sat there just staring...and sometimes watchin the lights on the elevators in the CN Tower go up and down, haha.

7 am and we started to get movin and got Al up. She took a shower while Ryan went downstairs to get some toothbrushes. He came back with 7 flimsy ass plastic ones, haha. The front desk ppl asked how many he needed and he said, "You know all those ppl we came in with? They haven't left." Haha. That's really all I needed tho, a clean mouth and I was ready to go.

We rolled out and it was a crappy cold and rainy morning and still too early for Starbucks or Second Cup to be open. We walked Al to her car and Ryan drove the rest of us home. Al had a change of clothes in her car but they were the same clothes she wore to training the day before, haha. Good thing she told the other ppl and the instructor in advance that it was her bday and she WAS gonna be hung over and possibly late, haha.

Ryan had dropped off Chris and J and then we stopped off at Timmy's for coffee. I couldn't believe I wast still awake and functioning at that point. But I had to sleep once I got home. So it was 10 am before I made it to my bed and sweet lovin, I had all of Sun to sleep in.

That was pretty much the highlights. It just sucked that it was back to work today. I had no idea what was goin on in the dept since I hadn't been there for 3 days and the new flyer had come out. Ah well, I had Evan with me :)

I enjoy not workin weekends so I can actually go out and not get the flow messed up by havin to wake up the next day and grindin it out for hrs.

Closing shift tomorrow, nice. Esp good since I had a couple cups of coffee this evening so I wouldn't doze off at an hr too early to be bedtime from today's lack of sleep.


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