Thursday, September 28, 2006

Interesting stuff's that happened this week.

Work's gotten bad. We got a new Ops Manager. It's a woman who looks in her 20s, and she seems cool so that's alright. But that's not the bad part I'm talkin about. Me and that goddamn irritating. Someone's gonna get on me when the end of the month comes around. I'm dreadin it already. That thing will be the end of me, I tell ya. If it were a real, tangible thing, I'd want it to die. I just want it go, go, go away.

In somewhat good news, the Shitbox (aka Gas Mobile, aka the Honda) is goin to scrap! That's right, a new car should be comin soon. Good timing too. Just the other day I was thinkin about how winter would be comin up and how it'd be a bitch to drive to work. Cuz sometimes it fails to start and there's no proper heating and when water freezes on the windshield, there's no way of gettin it off with those crappy wipers and anythin you scrape off just comes back in 30 seconds so it's not really a safe car to drive. So now it just so happens I won't have to deal with that shit :)

It's just now that I don't have a car in the evenings cuz I'm not insured on the other one. The last time I drove the Honda was Sat and it was doin somethin retarded with the steering. The wheel gets hard to turn at random times...well, good bye to that. I'll admit tho, there were some good times had in that car. Well not necessarily IN the car but goin places in the car. Except for those times when me and P sat smokin in the parkin lot before we went in to Q's, haha.

And that's another thing! That car was horrible to drive in the summer too. It overheated a lot, not to the point of shuttin down but so that it steamed when you drove it like 10 mins. I always got scared of how much smoke was comin from the hood. It didn't look normal at all, not to mention the fact that it was embarassing. But my dad always said that it was fine, it was just overheatin the oil or whatever. Plus the smell. Geez. Problem vehicle.

Anyway, I managed to go out last night with Al. I haven't spent any time with mah grrrl since Chris and J's wedding. We went to Yonge and Eg to pub it up and ended up at The Duke of Kent in the middle of a downpour. Had beers and pub food, caught up and chatted about everythin and anythin. And speakin of British things...Darien issues, haha.

He visited me at work yesterday. Bought somethin from me, talked a bit, then I drove him home.

He wanted to go out for dinner today but I'm not really feelin it. I realized yesterday (cuz he had this whole thing in his mind already) that I wouldn't have a car so we wouldn't be able to go anywhere since he doesn't either cuz he's visiting...or has a licence for that matter :P So he wrangled G to drive us all but honestly, I'm not in the mood for an early dinner with them. It's blah out and I have to be up early for work tomorrow. Is it lame to want to stay in and watch shows that I've taped? I think so, kind of :P Whatever, I went out drinkin on a Wed night and slept in wicked today so I'm good.

I can't believe what I just got in the mail. I opened it up and it's a questionnaire for potential Jury Roll! I have to fill it out so they can determine if I'd qualify to be a possible juror . So it's not jury duty but I don't even wanna be on that list. The questions they have, I can tell my answers would fit their potential list cuz I don't have a record and I'm fluent in English and don't have mental or physical disabilities. Which is pretty much all they need! Fuck. I don't wanna do thissss. I might be selfish but, if I was picked, I don't want my life disrupted and be responsible for anybody's criminal proceedings. I think I'm kinda the wrong person to be lookin at evidence and piecing things together and judgin their intentions. Good lord.

Of all things. A letter and form to consider me for jury service.

Anyway, that's it for this post. I've typed on about myself enough. Getcha on the weekend.


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