Monday, September 25, 2006

Well instead of havin any kind of a fun, exciting weekend, I had to go and hurt my back. It sounds that lame cuz it is.

I dunno if I threw my back out or twisted it but I got up on Sat and it hurt. It wasn't that bad, I just figured I slept wrong. It was mostly fine the whole day. It still hurt but it was tolerable, as long as I didn't do power squats or somethin. Then nighttime came around and doin anythin besides walkin totally upright was painful. I had already agreed to meet L and Deb at Timmy's cuz I figured I could handle that but I was all, fuck! Son of a bitch! Motherfuck! while tryin to get into my car.

I can't tell if it's a muscle or my bones or what. It's hard to bend over, like even hovering over the sink to brush my teeth. I've been takin Tylenols and it brings it down to just a dull discomfort.

I text msg'ed Evan last night to give him a heads up that I might be callin in sick cuz I didn't know if it'd be better by today. I woke up at 9 to see how I felt and it wasn't all that much better so I called the gen. manager to let him know I wasn't comin in. Easiest thing ever, he didn't even ask why. I'm so callin in sick to work more after this! Days off anybody?

Well it was OK today cuz there was already Ev and David workin today so there was coverage. And pretty smart move by me if I do say so myself, cuz I figured that Sundays were slow and if there were the 3 of us there, that'd mean makin even less money (business in our dept divided by us) and even more sales to make up so I wouldn't make subsidy. So...less hrs means less money that I'll be under :) Plus the fact that I really didn't wanna work today, back pain or not. I mean, I maybe could've worked but I dunno if I would've lasted bein all my feet all day and bein smiley about it. And Ev later texted me that it was slow today so I'm stickin with my decision, haha. I just had to get David's number and call him to ask him to start his shift earlier.

Then I went back to sleep and didn't get up til past 2. Rock on.

So Darien's back in town. He's takin care of condo business in his plan on movin here for good. So me, him, L, G, and G's bf went out to dinner at East Side. That guy still won't let me pay for my own dinner. He even took my credit card, sheesh.

Anyway, I wasn't in the best of moods cuz of my back and I dunno, just overall PMS-type crankiness, even tho I just got over it. So it was just dinner. On any other normal night, I would've been all for a bar night esp since I don't have to work til 5 tomorrow.

Argh, this weekend would've been PERFECT for goin Sat, off Sun, evening shift Mon. Dammit.

Ah well. Al's in NYC in the meantime for Laura's bday thing. And also hidin from Darien, haha.

I just realized the Film Festival had come and gone. That's poops. I used to be so into it and tried to volunteer when it came around every yr. These days I wouldn't even have the time to. Well, this yr I didn't even really pay attention to it...I didn't even know it was that time and now it's over. I missed all the stars that were in town :P

Meanwhile I'm content listenin to my Justin Timberlake CD, haha. And I'll admit that I just downloaded the "SexyBack" ringtone. That song will always remind me of Montreal.

And I just got all the songs from the new Evanescence album that isn't out yet from a friend. Nice. I totally would've bought it when it came out but since I've already got it, I'm not about to pay for the same music just with liner notes. I'm a little bummed their club show's sold out tho. But I guess it'll be better when they do a bigger tour with seats so I don't get slammed and kicked in a mosh pit.

Anyway, I have nothing pensive or substantial to say so that's me. Night.


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