Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thanksgiving weekend was good...went out Fri to Mink, met some pilot boys, another fun club episode...Leafs games...out to Mink again on Sun night for their long weekend party...work...watched The Cat Returns (sounds idiotic I know but L convinced me to watch it cuz The Dan lent it to her and it's actually really funny and cute! It's a Japanese animated movie redubbed by American actors)...watched "Dexter" and In Her Shoes on The Movie Network's free preview weekend...dinner out with Laura and Al.

Soooo...I took this past Fri, Sat, and Sun off cuz L had this idea in her head to meet up with her 'friend' Anthony from the States and she for some reason just needed me and Al to go with her to Buffalo. That's where they were gonna hang, of all places. She had told him to fly into Toronto cuz it's just a lot less hassle but he was bein stubborn and it was cheaper to fly into Buffalo I guess.

She wasn't even gonna hang with us, it would've pretty much just been her and Anthony in their own hotel and me and Al on our own to chill in Buffalo for 3 days :P Bitch. Well, this lil trip was supposed to be for her bday or whatever...even tho it had NOTHING to do with us. That's fine, she was doin the actual celebrating this Fri. It's just that me and Al saw no logical or rational reason why she had to have us there, besides that she is gay and can't cross the border by herself. Or that she's scared of Anthony like he'd turn out to be psycho or somethin, even tho they've met a yr ago and have been talkin almost every day since then. Which still begs the question WHY would she even meet up with him if that was the issue?? Lame. We hadn't gotten around to really askin her. Nor would she say. Meh.
Anyway, so she made us get up ass early at 6 frickin o'clock Fri morning to drive to Buffalo. However, me and Al figured it was a waste of time and money to kick around Buffalo if we didn't have to (or technically if L didn't know about it) so we hatched a plan to drive over the border with her and then go back to do whatever back home, haha. Scheme within a scheme.

Needless to say, the whole thing was pointless cuz we ended up not makin it to Buffalo. The night before (when I really should've been sleepin), I was watchin TV and channel surfin when I saw this news lady in a parka reporting outside about some freak snow storm. I kept on flippin thru when I realized, hey...that was the Buffalo news. WTF?? I turned back and watched. Yeah, Buffalo had some big random dumping of snow on them to the point where they were sayin things like "power outages" and "state of emergency".

Of all days, of all the places, it just so happened to be the night before we were headin THERE. But L was all, oh it doesn't look that bad, we'll monitor it, we'll see how it is tomorrow. I'm like, fool, I don't think they're makin light of the situation if they're sayin that thousands of homes don't have power and the airport's closed and trees are down and shit. But nobody listens to me.

The ass goes on with it anyway, mostly cuz Anthony already had the plane ticket and she's already booked the hotel. Whatever, everythin ended up gettin scrapped cuz his flight got cancelled. It was this big chaotic thing where he kept tryin to get rescheduled flights and flights into Toronto and all this.

We made it as far as Niagara where it was raining. Wasn't as bad as Buffalo but still shit. We saw all these transport trucks drivin in from the border covered in inches of snow, haha. If we didn't know what was goin on in Buffalo, we would've been so confused.

The weather was crappy enough as it was so we didn't want to experience Buffalo AND the highway was closed so we turned around and drove back home. Geez! Well we did stop off at Square One since we did have a lot of time before Anthony's flight got into T.O. later that afternoon.

L went to pick him up at the airport and Al drove us back. Well at least we didn't have to spend money for hotel, gas, or partyin in Buffalo.

Today was L's actual bday. Well, yesterday technically. Hope that ho made the most out of that weekend. I'm pretty sure I won't let her hear the end of this one when she asks for a favour. I'm not mad, I just want ppl to damn well appreciate it when I go along with this kinda shit for them, haha.


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