Saturday, November 27, 2004

I dunno what's goin on or how it happened but Ian's best friend (isn't that cute? Boys havin best friends, heehee) is havin a house party tonight. Ian invited me and P and of course P is gonna make me go. Hey, I'm always down for a house party but I just know that since I'm not gonna know anybody else there, I'm gonna be left alone cuz I'm not gonna see P for the rest of the night, haha. She said she wouldn't and I'm like, watch. Ian'll probably be catchin up with other friends so she'll stick with me but still :P Ian told her that he'd bring somebody for me, hahaha...yay! I'll socialize and chill and shit but if everybody's a complete stranger and the person who told you about the party isn't that close to you in the first place, it's like walkin into some random party off the street and you're totally by yourself. Kinda weird, ya know? L was there when they were talkin about it at Q's the other night and he didn't know about her comin cuz he knows her less than he knows us (that was the 1st time they met...well, they didn't even really meet) so......I told L just come with us anyway cuz really, it's a house party, what're they gonna do, turn her away? P will work her charm. L will be our ride, haha...and be my buffer :P

We'll see.

Yesterday was a bit chaotic. After some car drama, I got there for the interview and let's just say that didn't go 100% as well as I wanted. Long story short, contrary to what L was told, all they had at the time was....Appliances. Uhhhh, I dunno about that one. How am I supposed to sell appliances?? I know nothing about that stuff like storage unit capacity in fridges or whatever power in microwaves! Anyway, I did the best I that moment :P I could've done a lot better but now that I think about it I won't even mind if I didn't get it cuz I really don't wanna work on Fridays or weekends :P Job equals money but it also equals gettin worn out and havin no life. Esp in Dec with Christmas and Boxing Day. Holiday season is insane. Well, they said they'd call Mon if they want a 2nd interview.

After I came home from the interview, me and L needed to get bday cards before we went to dinner and she was talkin about how she wanted to dye her hair so I said the new Shopper's near my house was havin a grand opening sale and Feria was $8.88, haha. She was gonna go unicolour so the next time she got highlights it'd be easier. She wanted to go back to brown but I wouldn't let her :P I got some too just to stock up cuz my red's already fadin.

Then we went straight to dinner. Indian again but different place. But I didn't mind this time cuz me and G just got what I had last time at P's dinner and it was pretty good. "1 Chili or lower!" Hahaha. We met Fish's other friends that we always hear about but have never seen. The waiters at the restaurant were so nice and funny.

G and L were bein grandmas and didn't go to bowling but Al and Mike came later. We switched cars at Lyn’s place first. She has a doggie, Bobo :) Bobo was yippin and generally freakin out cuz I guess she wasn’t used to so many ppl at once esp since Lyn’s parents were gone and she was all alone in the house. Fish’s like, she usually shuts up soon. I bent down to pet her and I was slightly worried she might nip my hand or bark suddenly and scare me but she’s a really small dog so it’s not that bad. Fish is like, oh I wouldn’t do that …and then went to stand on the stairs LOL I’m like, it’s OK, she’s good. So I petted her no problem and Fish told the rest of them and they were all like, you petted her? I’m like, oh was I not supposed to? They’re like, no it’s just that no one does :P Apparently it’s a rare thing that Bobo likes anyone enough to let them do that, haha.

So bowling…I ruled the 1st and 3rd games...I broke 100, which is pretty good cuz I generally suck. I wasn't even gonna play cuz I'm bad and I was positive my nails were gonna get ripped off but Cathy already paid for all of us. My thumb still hurts. They make those bowling ball holes too small, I tell ya. And too heavy! The baby ones were just fine for me but the holes were even tinier. I blew big time on the 2nd game cuz Mike came along with his pro-league ass and went strike strike strike all the way. I got some too tho, plus he was losin the touch and actually got a gutter ball, hee.

Fish was adamant about the dj. She was like, I better see a dj or I’m gonna be upset, haha. So throughout the night, he was doin lil giveaways. The first time he was like, the first person to the dj booth, gets a prize. She and Cathy SPRINTED like they were in a track race, I’m not even jokin. Too bad they were goin the wrong way LOL Then the dj would make add on things like, first person to get to the dj booth who brings me something blue or can name this song. So everytime he came on the PA and we’d hear, “The first person to the dj booth…” Fish didn’t even care what it was, she just took off, hahaha. She almost took out this other chick who got there at the same time. I’m like, OMG you like, KICKED her as you slammed into her LOL Not on purpose of course :P They did get an free hr of bowling coupon! We played til 2, good times.

Friday, November 26, 2004

And here I thought I'd head to bed earlier. Yup, P happened. With L, haha. So today I was doin some essay work and brushin up my resume in type...I have no intentions of goin out. Just when I showered and washed my hair, L calls me and wants to go play pool or go for coffee. I'm like, well OK I's not like I have an early morning the next day. And while I still hafta dry my hair, get ready, and change outta my jammies, she can come over and help me some more with my resume formatting and I had some questions and stuff. P calls and she wants to do somethin too, even tho she's got work in the morning. Of course by somethin, she means go to Q's. So we all went and surprisingly Ian wasn't there so she called him. We played pool and foosball til he got there. Some guys came over to our foosball table and wanted to play...even tho there was another one on the other side. Stupid men. And they somehow ended up takin it over til P kicked them off, haha. This dude we were still playin with was hardcore pro. We didn't even see that he scored til we heard the ball 'ka-chunk' into the goal. Violent, thundering scoring. I felt it in my bones, haha. Anyway, he was interested in P...I could tell by the first second he got his eyes on her, haha. He was all like, what's up with your friend? Is that guy her bf? (Ian). I'm like, uh...I really don't know, it's complicated. I just didn't want to tell him anythin and good thing cuz P was like, NO INFORMATION! :P I don't think anythin was gonna tear her away from Ian anyway. He looked really good with his new haircut FYI, hee.

So in true P-styles, it somehow dragged on til 2. I was just tellin L how she manages a way to get you home later and later, as strong as your intentions may be, haha.

So I still hafta print out my resume and study up on some possible interview questions. Blah. And get Fish's present...if she wants it tomorrow or on Tues. And somethin for Lionel too. Wow, when Dec 8 comes around, I'll have nuthin else to worry about.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Yeah I'm not goin to class today. So I'll work on my essay and get ready for my interview tomorrow. I think I just might start to lose my mind soon. I've got this final paper due in 2 weeks (3000 words but do-able), the interview, my mom's leavin for Asia soon, and tomorrow's also Fish's bday thing. She was bein a Priscilla and wasn't gonna do anythin either but her sister convinced her so it's dinner and 'Cosmic bowling with a DJ!' Fri night. I love how we've never done bowling as 16 yr olds and instead went clubbin and whatnot, but we do it at 24, haha. Her actual bday isn't til Tues tho. Then it's mine 4 days after that. I'm slightly freakin out. Not just about gettin older but cuz I have no idea what I'm doin that night and with this group, you hafta tell them asap cuz there's always other plans and work and exams and crap around that time.'s Lionel's 24th today! Happy bday!! :) I haven't talked to that one since L's bday. Well, that's another call to make!

L hooked me up at work. She called the guy in charge of hiring right after I submitted the online questionnaire and all was good so now I've got an interview on Fri. It was that easy. And this was all in a matter of an hr. Oh man, now I hafta brush up on my interview questions. This part sucks. L came over to upgrade my resume. Then we tried to call Angie but we got some crazy recording in Japanese. "Um...Angela? We just want to talk to ANGELA!" LOL We listened to it 3 times before we confirmed it was repeatin itself. Then a voice in english said the person we were callin was unavailable. Oh and Em was online today! We only talked for a min but I like knowin ppl are alive. Peeps I know like to disappear and come back after like a yr or so. "Why do ppl run from me?" LOL

Anyway, we called Alice and we went to see Spongebob movie. "I rode the Hasselhoff!" Hahaha. Then we actually stopped by BK to see which toys we could score :P No Patricks...L was gettin a meal anyway. That was an ordeal tho, haha...Al, man.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Ah crap, it snowed today. It was just flurries but still, once you see snow, you know winter's here. I dreaded this day all month. It was just weird not to have seen snow earlier than this, I mean it is Canada. Well T.O.'s not so bad, we usually get it later than Alberta or Saskatchewan or whatever. Nov was just a matter of time and now it's gonna be all downhill from here :P I can take the cold better than most, I think but I still don't like it. Freezin weather and wet slushy roads and feet, big coats and gettin sick. Ick.

Kim just told me that Chris had been seein someone else for a month. He met someone right after their big fight. He hurt her so bad. Yet all this time she knew how rocky the relationship (or whatever they had goin on) was and she still can't really let go. She knows he treats her bad and she still hopes they can be together even tho they don't have a future. That sucks. It blinds even the smartest ppl huh?

Oh today's Angie's bday! I hafta call her. I hope she's OK tho, we heard about the earthquakes in Japan and I emailed her but she hasn't replied. She might just be busy or it fucked up the power over there, I dunno.

Wow I didn't go out today. Weird to say I actually somewhat enjoyed it. I was still super tired tho. Tash was online tonight and she had to do her hw assignment and submit it electronically so she had to jet for a couple hrs but I wanted to talk to her so I had to stay up. I was thinkin of takin a nap but I was pretty sure I'd sleep for the rest of the night. Plus I half didn't want to go to bed cuz 10 was just way too early to do that. It's just wrong to me. So I had to keep myself awake til she got back. I helped Meg do her hw over bad is that? :P

Well it's almost 2 now so I'll be goin to bed. Oooh we should be watchin Spongebob tomorrow!! They have Spongebob toys at BK. I wanted to get a Kids' Meal just to get a Patrick toy but I didn't see until too late. You don't understand how deep this runs, should see L's room.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This is insane. Lemme start off with Sunday...Argos won! Yay! There needs to be some pro Toronto team to be winnin around here :P So after watchin the game, I thought it was gonna be some lazy-dazy Sunday, talkin to a couple ppl here and there (includin Jay online...the neediness is gone, yesss!). P calls me up and we go to Timmy's. Plus she wants to go to Q's AGAIN. This makes it 3 nights in a row. I know you can have your hangouts and be a regular somewhere but that's gettin a bit weird...I mean, all fuckin weekend. She insisted on buyin a new set of darts for them and she's like, let's just go drop them off then we'll go home.

We'll just go and drop off the darts, she said. Yeah...BULLCRAP, haha. I knew this was gonna happen. Whatever, I didn't mind, it's just that I actually wanted to try to go to bed at a somewhat decent hr that night. So we hit Q's...Scott, 1 of the owners, and also the guy whose dart it was that P broke, almost cried that she gave him new darts, haha. Well not cried but was very grateful. It was a sweet thing to do...tho I still think it was unnecessary, haha but that's just me. Big fuckin excuse to see Ian, is what I think! So Ian was there as always and insisted we stay a bit and play. Scott even gave us 5 games on the house. So obviously we had NO CHOICE, haha. This was around 1:30, not too bad to get home then. No, Ian kept insisting, we kept playin. Andy was there again (guy Ian told I beat all the guys so he wanted to play me) and this other guy named Shane. I think I might've seen him a few times before but I didn't remember him :P He was wearin a neon pink cap sideways, gotta love that. I caught his eyes a few times while I was playin pool and he was watchin the guys play darts and I didn't really think of him as hot (he's kinda the scruffy type...the half-beard, baggy clothes, hair gettin long, skater boy) but he was lookin better and better as the night went on, haha. "It's the blue eyes and dimples." ;) You know the type of guy who starts becomin more attractive the more you look at him? The more you get to know him? Like that.

Well he was cute and funny and hella chill. And not afraid to be effeminate, hahaha. He catwalked around with P's pink purse that matched his hat. So the 5 of us sat around chattin til Q's was about to close again and then the boys wanted to go for coffee. The whole time we were talkin, I was like P, we gotta go. Yet it went on and I was just powerless to stop it, haha. So now it was like OK, we'll go to Timmy's with them but we're stayin for 20 mins max! Funny, that didn't happen either. That turned into way past 20 mins of talkin (and caramel overload, haha) and then who knows how long of playin soccer in the parkin lot. They wanted to play cards and Shane forgot them so they were tryin to get him to go home down the block and get some but he was like, I have a soccer ball in the him and Adam drilled in the parkin lot and we watched. Shane's a friggin superstar.

I don't know what it was but he was lookin prit-ty good to me by this time. Til I heard that he just about bangs a girl every week, haha. Hmmm...I'd still do him LOL I'll let ya know if I'm jokin about that or not sometime later! Doesn't matter, I'm perfectly cool just chillin with him too.

So it gets to 4 freakin 30 in the morning and let's just say it took a grey van with visions of the wrong person to get us goin. P FREAKED and was like, OK we gotta go! We're goin home! So we beamed outta there. I'm leavin out some details but no one really needs to know them, haha. I told 1 of my best lies ever and got away with it. I'm a pro-star.

So today I got up at 11 for no reason and wasn't even tired. Before, me and P were talkin about gettin her tattoo pretty soon before the new yr and before she goes on her company weekend trip so she can heal in time to go in the hot tub :P She calls me and wants to go get it done today. I'm like, OK! I was excited to see someone get one instead of me gettin one. P also had to drop by hair school to pick up her composites and her diploma so hey, we'll be productive.

She was sayin there was a Way Cool Tattoos on Yonge right near Finch Station. I'm like, that's weird I take this route every time I go to school and I've never seen it. She was so sure since she'd been there before. Yeaaaah, no. It was past Finch Station (the end of the line) so we had to get off there and walk out to the street and walk for more than 20 mins up Yonge til we found the place by address. We were at 5400s, Way Cool was 5100 somethin. Long story shorter, she didn't end up gettin it cuz of custom this, end of the week that, deposit this, design that, etc etc. but we were so close. So that sucked. Then we had to make it to the school by 4:30 before they closed and they all left. We were gonna take the bus back up cuz the school was right on Yonge and Steeles but it was takin forever and apparently it was Walk Day :P So we walked from Way Cool to freakin Yonge and Steeles, took half an hr. Wow we got our exercise today...and saved a bus ticket too, haha.

Oh, when we were crossin an intersection, a car had stopped and we were walkin...P took her hand out her pocket to say thanks and somethin flew in the air and landed on the ground under the car. I thought it was a crumpled tissue or somethin. It was her friggin retainer!! LOL The driver saw all of this and was laughin as she went to pick it up. I don't think he knew what it was tho. P's like, sorry sorry...lemme just put this back in my pocket, hahaha. I have no idea why she was wearin it today of all days but she had taken it out and it got caught on the fabric of her glove. I'm like, I really hope you're not gonna be puttin that in your mouth anytime soon, haha. OMG that was hilarious. She flung her retainer under a car. You can't make these stories up.

Got there right at 4:30, picked up her stuff and took the Steeles bus home. Oh and walkin to her school we stopped in a BK and P got hand-molested, hahaha. Anyway, she chilled at my house for a while, lookin for a retarded song the Q boys were talkin about and lookin for a scorpion design she liked. We were both about to fall asleep at this point.

Then somehow we got our 2nd wind and she's like, let's do somethin...let's see a movie! So we went to see The Incredibles. I was like, after the movie, that's it! We're goin home! We're not goin to Q's! Haha. And I stuck to it.

So that's what 4 days hangin with P is like. On a slow weekend.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

It was a Q's weekend. Yes, we were there Fri and Sat. I don't even know what to say, it was 1 of those weird, bizarre, interesting, and funny kinda nights...I mean Fri was anyway. Outta control. It was probably P's new updo. She got her boss to do her hair at work so she was rockin this runway model-mohawk-pouf, like the drummer from Lillix. I'm tellin you it was the hurr, haha. I dunno why but it was the busiest I've ever seen, there was like 50 ppl there. It's a small place with like 9 pool tables so it was pretty crowded. I think it was heaven cuz they were a lotta hot boys, haha. P's like, there's so many guys in here, I can't take it! LOL Ian and Al were there so we played and talked and whatnot. Then we saw Craig. Then Tyler, Miguel's little brother. Then Travis walked in! Haha. Then we saw Kris, Man, and Spear! Me and P were like, what is this?? It's hs reunion time. Haha...crazy. We went over and talked to Craig. He's like, the last time I saw you was at your bday dinner at Kelsey's (read last yr's post :P) Turns out his bday's the day after mine so we might just be at eachother's parties next month. I cannot believe Kris and Spear were there. They're crazy bastards :P And drunk like whoa. Yet they all still remembered my name, haha. Oh and we met a friend of theirs named Socrates, amazing! He apparently went to hs with us too but neither of us recognized him at all. We woulda remembered a dude named Socrates!

We stayed there a while and they were closin up. The manager guy or whoever was shuttin the blinds and lockin the doors and slowly ppl were leavin. They're supposed to close at a certain time but they don't really til everybody jets when they jet. Then some ppl show up outta nowhere and I'm like, what's goin on? Ian's like, sometimes they have poker games after hrs. It was felt so underground, haha. It's like 3 am and we're still hangin around and talkin with Kris and them. Then Ian's like, are you comin back tomorrow? So we're like, yeah we'll try. He said he'd be there for sure and P already said we were gonna so...we went Sat :P

So yesterday was pretty much the same thing as Fri except with a new group of random guys, haha. I met a couple that I've seen around and a couple that knew the ppl we were chillin with. Mike and Andrew, I think? And the others I don't remember...or I didn't even catch, haha. Ian was tellin them I was good and how I beat a couple of the guys already so this other dude wanted to play me. Ian, the rumour spreader, haha.

Some gems: the beer shirt, the guy who couldn't find his shoes cuz they were on his feet, "Shut up, bitch!", and "Don't arouse your stick." LOL Friggin Andrew flicked my ass with both hands, what the hell? It stung too. I tried to knee him in the crotch but he grabbed my leg and almost took me down :P I think I tried to knee all the guys that night...or kick them in the ass, fuckin givin me attitude haha. We left at 3 again. Good habits.

Tonight's the Grey Cup game...GOOOOO ARGOS!!