Friday, August 11, 2006

The rents are back. And of course makin a typical arrival, haha. I was pretty tired today so I took a nap a couple hrs ago. I get woken up by the doorbell and I make my way downstairs cuz I know it's them. I don't like to be interrupted :P Just as I'm about to answer the door, I hears keys turnin the lock and my mom swings it open. I'm like, why would you ring the doorbell if you have keys?? Then I said hi, told her I was sleepin when she asked me what I was doin, then went back upstairs to bed, haha.

Glad to the house is clean! And the garbage ppl actually picked up all the stuff I put outside, yay. I didn't end up findin a Blue Box so I just took everythin out in the beer case, haha. I figured it was cardboard so they'd take the whole thing :P

So I'm lame and on the computer on a Fri night cuz I'm still tired and I have work in the morning.

Yeah I was at work from 9 to, not 5, but 6 today. Ew. And I only made about $50. More to make up next shift! But at least Kane started with me so I wasn't alone and then Evan came in at 1, and that just makes my day better :) It's always jokes when we're scheduled together. Damn, 8 hrs just goes by a lot less slow when it goes well. A bunch of store peeps ordered Chinese for lunch and I got some yummy chicken balls and rice. Good stuff.

Oh and I saw...oh man I don't even remember her name, it's on the tip of my tongue...some girl from hs at work. We went to grade school together too. She was a yr younger but we were on the basketball team together. It was just kinda weird cuz I was comin up to her to see if she wanted help and said hi. She said hi back in that way that you're not really lookin at the person and then she looked up and was like, hey! I took a sec to recognize her cuz she had glasses on but I guess we still pretty much looked the same. And I saw Kevin McKay from hs too! But I've seen him like 3 times at work now but it's still nice to see him.

That was a lot about a no-event day. I'll wrap this up now. Maybe I'll actually get 8 hrs of sleep for tomorrow. Guess what? Another 9-5er, blar. But L will be workin the same hrs and Godwin will be bringin pix of the party, hee.

I can't believe it's almost bedtime. Cry.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

OK not postin in a week doesn't mean neglect, haha. It's just been a blur of work and play :)

Can I just take a sec and mention how freakin awesome Thurs was?? It was just about the best work day everrrr. I had another short 4 hr shift and I made MAD money! Almost $200 commission (includin a digital SLR camera and a camcorder -- those 2 products = ching ching) and I got 3 major PSPs. That's crazy! I was about to leave at 1:30 cuz I figured my work was done for the day, haha...then I said what the hell, I always stay at least an hr longer just cuz. Just so happened that this customer came along and wanted a nice camera and accessories. Couldn't get him for the PSP but still, that sale was pretty sweet.

So much profit with so little effort, haha. Now that's what I'm talkin about. The good part was not only the money cuz hey, everybody likes gettin paid, but it also meant that any managers would have absolutely nothing to say to me, haha. Nothing but praise :) Dept supastar!

Umm...what else during the week? Timmy's, BP, had to buy yet another phone battery. If I stay with this job, the best benefit would be the discount! Little things are like 20 somethin dollars retail but about 5 on staff purchase, nice. And it's usually shit I'd use/need. I bought my parents a camcorder package before they left for a little over cost.

Fri I slept in and it was pure deliciousness. Then I headed to the mall with L to get food for the party. Oh and I broke my lava lamp :( Well I kinda tripped over the cord and the lamp which was on my desk fell to the floor. The glass lamp thing's intact but the bulb and the plastic bottom of the stand broke so I also got a new bulb. Go Walmart!

I was savin Sat night to do the all-out thing so Fri was pretty lax. Al came over and we talked a while, cuz her and Ryan had a fight, thing, whatever, haha. Don't worry, I won't go into the drama.

Sat afternoon I cleaned, mostly vaccuming cuz my place was kind of a pit up to that point. I know you're supposed to clean after a party but whatever. Then me and L went to the LCBO to get drinks. I don't drink beer but I got a 28-pack since everyone else likes it :P Well, Godwin bought it for me cuz the Beer Store ran out cuz it was a limited special cuz of the long weekend.

The party was sick! I had the usual suspects and a buncha peeps from work over. It was about 25 ppl and they actually all had space on one level of my house, haha.

It was ridiculous. So much liquor. Some of us went to the basement to smoke a bowl, haha. JI-LARIOUS. I was laughin a lot cuz I was high but mostly cuz Ali's face and everythin he was sayin was too much.

I'll just sum it up by sayin that a chair got busted, like in 2 separate pieces, my computer got fucked up cuz Ali's friends tried to do somethin (hook up an iPod or change speakers, I dunno what) and then it just stopped workin, there was broken glass on my kitchen floor, and a spilled drink alllll over the computer desk and on the fuckin keyboard!!

It was a mess. That's the only reason why I don't like bein the host of a party, the clean-up is a bitch. Around 3:30 I looked around the kitchen and the living room and they were TRASHED. I didn't even wanna think about cleanin til the next day. I left everythin the way it was, haha.

Al and Laura crashed on my bed and were the last to leave. I kinda passed out on the couch around 4 when I hear the doorbell ring and I was like, who the hell? Was kinda scared to answer the door, haha. It was Shirley and Annie. Shirley couldn't find her phone so she came back to look for it.

I called it but it was on vibrate so we couldn't tell where it was. Then Annie yelled from the car to check the couch in the den. I called her phone again and I saw flashin lights in between the loveseat and the one-seater, haha. Guess it fell and they were too screwed to notice :P

Annie was huggin Evan when she first came and they were in the kitchen and someone's arms were swingin around or somethin cuz then there was a big crash of glass. I didn't see what it was and I just went runnin in there goin, "Noooooooooo!" cuz I thought it was one of my shot glasses. We were usin them but they're my souvenir glasses from diff cities I've been to or someone brought back for me and I thought Annie had broken one of those and I was like OMG, don't even tell me! Haha.

Anyway, the next day I didn't know where to start. There was a million bottles and cans all over the place. Someone spilled this apple Sourz thing Richard brought and my white kitchen counter is now green, I'm not playin. I probably shouldn't have left it there to absorb :P Ali had left all his things to pick up that day so there was poker stuff all over too. Garbage and crumbs and liquids, oh my. Oh and weed that was ground in the basement carpet where Ali tipped over the tray of ashes, haha.

Damn did I have a time gettin the house back to normal. Minus a chair and a workin computer :P I still have a mountain of bottles and cans to recycle. There's still a bunch of beer in my fridge too.

So I spent a good chunk of Sun doin that crap. I don't remember what I did that night.

Mon was Civic Holiday and of course I had to work. It was a 8 1/2 hr shift from open to close but it actually wasn't too bad cuz it was me and Ev.

I've got a bunch of 9:30-5s this week, what the balls? Tues was good tho, made decent money. And this older man who was kind of attitude-y with just about everyone in the store who was helpin him out with a bar fridge, actually bought PSP so he saved my ass for the day, haha. He was somewhat nice towards the end but know one of those ppl who are just...weird? Like you look at your friend/coworker and you both have this ??? face sayin either 'WTF' or 'I don't know, man'.

Yesterday was a day off. Tanned in the backyard in the day and went with Al to a premiere screening of Step Up at night. It was pretty good, some cheese but that was expected. That guy Channing I think his name is, is fine. I guess it was another teen dance movie where the big thing is combining hip hop with classical but it was entertaining. And we got free promo stuff :) We scored a wristband and a girl's top. I told Al we had to wear these outfits on Sat night and match, haha. Not bad, I'd actually wear the top too!

Today was slow at work. Nothing to speak of. I was on time tho, early even, haha.

Tonight's the last night before la familia come back tomorrow night. *Sigh*

I need to find somethin to order/buy for dinner, ha. And I gotta find a friggin Blue Box to recycle this stuff once and for all!