Saturday, May 01, 2004

L and Vick were tellin me this news story about a sheep who ran away for 6 yrs and was finally caught. They said it was this huge ball of wool and I just had to see what this looked like.


LOL I dunno how the thing could SEE from under all that puff.

LOL I woke up today past 1 pm, doin my daily thing of 'crap, I'm missin AMC' and turnin on the TV, I see the movie The Phantom on. I'm like, what the's not a holiday or anythin today, why isn't it on? And THEN I realized it was Sat :P Derr derr derr! Oh man, either I'm totally out of it or it's just the days are blurrin together. I think it's just that I'm goin out everyday and can't tell what day is what, ha.

Can I mention first off that I scored another $300, oh yeaaaaah! And it couldn't have come at a better time. 3 presents to get, G's bday jam, and product for the drinkin party.

LEAFS, ahahahahaaaa!! Tied up, baby! Last night was hype. Me, L, P, and G hit up Shoeless again to watch. Dinner consisted of wings, nachos, and some Tom Collins. Mmmm, healthy. Our waitress thought there was somethin wrong with us. "What, what is it? Tell me." LOL Nice, P. Hurt my hands high-fivin :P I think we need to learn not to slap so hard. We'll take you on on Sun, Philly!

We bounced to Q's without G. P wouldn't learn a lesson and kept playin game after game only to lose, haha. I OWN you, bitch. Your crotch antics won't work on me LOL Saw that boss dude (of that guy Julian) there, which is weird cuz I was gonna call Julian out but I didn't have my cell so I didn't have his # on me). Played some foosball. L and P get SO into it...the ball kept flyin out and bouncin under tables. Was gonna take someone's eye out I tell ya, haha. Friggin windmilling cheaters!

I think we should have that drinkin party tonight...but in a more chill, girl's night in way. I think we need more of Thurs night. Me and L went to Timmy's and then chilled on her porch til like 1:30 am cuz it was so nice out. Every time it's just me and her, our convos drift toward the philosophical, reflection type. We talk about life and everythin in between...we gossip about some ppl sometimes, haha, but mostly hit on the deep stuff. It's cool cuz it's good to go over that kinda stuff every so often. So I think we need a group version of 1 of those...on alcohol, hahaha. All of us haven't been together in a while so it should be good. Get in those digs, haha. G's gonna kill us (well, L really) one day, I can smell it comin LOL

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Wow, I think someone put roofies in my drinks cuz they just about knocked me out...I didn't wake up til 1:30 in the afternoon today :P You can tell it's been a while since I've been able to have a drink. I'm not a lush dammit! I just can't take alcohol as well as others, it's the way I was made! I'm tryin to work on that tho ;) It's not that I'm an alky or I "need alcohol to have a good time" thing, it's just kinda shameful that I get pink in the face way quicker than everybody and thus, ppl can tell I've had a drink just by lookin at me. There's nuthin wrong with a lil tolerance right?

It's SO nice out today. Finally some good weather. And I mean, like summer-y weather without the nasty humidity or hardcore burnin sun. We shall be goin out tonight.

I just talked to Fish on Messenger...good to catch up a bit. I missed you! Crazy's packin up in Ktown then off to Montreal before comin home. I can't believe everybody's finally gonna be home cuz we're all done (well most of us :P). I just wanna hug everybody! Haha.

LEAFS!! Whaaaaaaat! That's right, 4-1, booyah! See ppl, all it takes is a home game and some faith :) They were wicked tonight. We were like, come on, make it 5! Haha. Sweet. I high-fived Vick so hard that my ring flew off :P

We hit up Shoeless Joe's (after the 1st Shoeless AND a packed Jack Astor's). There were all these guys in Leafs jerseys in our section, I've never seen so many in 1 place not countin the ACC.

Some older guy obviously had some to drink cuz he was loud and nuts...when the game ended, the TV camera was on the players gettin off the ice and there was a somewhat chesty woman in a fitted top at the side wavin a flag. He was hootin and hollerin about the game and then he saw her and was like, look at THOSE!! LOL We were like OMG, it's like the man's never seen boobs before.

Good times. And now I'm off to pass out cuz I think those drinks are makin me sleepy.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Me, Vick, and L went to Timmy's yesterday til 1 am. I gotta stop goin to bed at like 3-4 in the morning. It always reminds me of 2 summers ago tho. Goin to sleep as you hear birds chirpin outside, haha. Good times.

Somethin's goin on with me. You know summa those days when nuthin could be more perfect, everythin is goin amazing...and then you have those days when you have that feelin like somethin's wrong or naggin at you that you hafta fix somethin? Meh, maybe that's me. I think I'm havin that...I somethin's missing. Hmmm, I just realized how that sounded. Like I'm in a sort of midlife crisis...but that's not possible since I'm not even 24. Quarter-life crisis? Well, somethin's buggin me and I'm not sure what it is. But I don't think it's a work/career/school/future kinda deal this time around. I'll always give you the truth. Not so much in the brutal honesty type of way when ppl ask how does this look or what do you think of my bf or how about this idea. I mean, I'm not exactly an open book and I'll tell you everythin I think about any subject, but I'll never front about stuff that matters.

I really do have crappy luck. I don't mean that in a pessimistic, oh-why-me, the world's out to get me way. Shit just usually doesn't go my way, haha. But you know what they say about only know what you're used to. So actually, I don't mind it too much. Like, things could be a lot worse...and a LOT of ppl experience that. Really, who am I to complain when I have my health, a roof over my head, and food on the table? (Might I add that I'm only grateful to be able to breathe and function normally after I'm sick as simple to just be without any misery.) Still, I tend to think about other ppl's problems. I feel down when other ppl are down. Maybe that's what's botherin me...that I know other ppl are hurtin. Well I've always known that cuz well, look at what's goin on in the world, but I mean ppl around me. As much as I say that the majority of ppl are stupid or ignorant or whatever not so optimistic outlook I have on the general human population sometimes, I can't stand seein ppl in pain. I really don't like it. Yeah I think that's what it is. I'm not blatantly seein it but I know it. If I can't have this like, amazing life, at least let someone else have it. Someone who deserves it. It's like beauty goin to waste. "Steal your pain"...if only that was possible.

I know I seem like I don't care about most things (and not like I don't care as in what's the point in life? cuz that's just scary depressing), I'm just apathetic I guess? I like to call it bein laid-back :P Keep in mind tho, just cuz I might not show it, doesn't mean I'm not feelin it. I don't hafta be like other ppl, right...I have things that are my way, and I do the things I do cuz I'm whatever, haha. I'm not tryin to sound like scolding or anythin, I'm just explainin. Tellin ya like it is ya know...these are facts about me.

I remembered to write about the Dalai Lama bein in Toronto over the weekend. I read in the paper about what he talked about.

"It's not enough to show compassion to the people you love, he said — that's self-interest and that's easy."

Haha I'm so preachy. Apparently I'm in a profound post mood today. 3 on home ice tonight. Please let the Leafs win! Go blue and white!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm on my bro's comp and the pop-up stopper is on. It makes like a shootin sound when a pop-up gets killed so I guess there were a lotta ads comin up all at once cuz every now and then I'd hear like machine-gunfire, haha. Kinda scared me. Take that, stupid pop-ups!

I finally saw Miss Congeniality. I have never seen it since it came out what, 3 yrs ago? Good movie. "You think I'm sexxxxxxxxxy, you want to be kiiiiiiiiiiiiss me." LOL

Monday, April 26, 2004

OK bein down 2 games to 0 kinda kills the spirit :P The game last night sucked nuts. WHY are they playin so shitty??

I didn't pick up L to go over to G's til the 2nd period cuz I was waitin for for the pizzas to come. Dinner on my sister? I'm not goin ANYWHERE til I've eaten! Haha.

Matt went a lil gamer happy and bought a Gamecube. He now has every video game system there is. But he took back the PS2 and left us the Gamecube. I played that new Mario Kart game with my sis til 4 am, haha.

Today was errands day. We went to the mall to pick up some things and whatnot. Took a look at the new stuff they had at the LCBO (we'll have that drinkin party soon...when I'm totally recovered). I wanted just about EVERYTHIN in there. So L's done her exams and doesn't start the new semester til next week and Vick's done her last exam today too. Finally :)

It was so nice out...before it started rainin. Was sportin the T and sunglasses ;) And the hat. You can always tell when I'm havin a bad hair day cuz I'm wearin a hat. But sometimes I'm just lazy and don't wanna do anythin with it (aka I didn't get to wash my hair but I will so don't touch) :P

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Last night was fun. Me and Vick got close in the back, hahaha...jokes. I dunno what those nerds were doin before they came to pick me up cuz they were runnin behind and we ended up gettin down there a bit late. We hadn't driven in the lot yet but we saw the signs sayin to tune in to 103.9 and we could hear the movie playin already. We're like, score! Just park outside the gates and watch it from here! Cuz we could see the whole screen from there and for FREE, haha...but that'd just be cheap :P

G almost blew it when the guy asked if we had food, drinks, alcohol, drugs, etc in the car, haha. Ass. But we made like a picnic in a camper with all our munchies and blankets and shit. You could actually see from the backseat so it was decent. Kill Bill 2 was good, Punisher not as good but still OK. Sittin in a car for that long actually wasn't bad at all. We left G in the car alone at the intermission, haha. Didn't get home til 3 am. Sweet experience.

I'm much better now to appreciate a hockey game now so...GO LEAFS GO!!