Monday, April 26, 2004

OK bein down 2 games to 0 kinda kills the spirit :P The game last night sucked nuts. WHY are they playin so shitty??

I didn't pick up L to go over to G's til the 2nd period cuz I was waitin for for the pizzas to come. Dinner on my sister? I'm not goin ANYWHERE til I've eaten! Haha.

Matt went a lil gamer happy and bought a Gamecube. He now has every video game system there is. But he took back the PS2 and left us the Gamecube. I played that new Mario Kart game with my sis til 4 am, haha.

Today was errands day. We went to the mall to pick up some things and whatnot. Took a look at the new stuff they had at the LCBO (we'll have that drinkin party soon...when I'm totally recovered). I wanted just about EVERYTHIN in there. So L's done her exams and doesn't start the new semester til next week and Vick's done her last exam today too. Finally :)

It was so nice out...before it started rainin. Was sportin the T and sunglasses ;) And the hat. You can always tell when I'm havin a bad hair day cuz I'm wearin a hat. But sometimes I'm just lazy and don't wanna do anythin with it (aka I didn't get to wash my hair but I will so don't touch) :P


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