Thursday, December 07, 2006

Damn, it's gettin a lot more hectic at work these days. There's a bunch of new seasonals and all but one of them are drivin me crazy! I really don't know how these guys got hired, let alone passed the interview stage. They're pretty much just makin life there harder but I guess I should cut them some slack cuz that was me last yr and theyr'e still learning..but I know I wasn't that bad off when I started! Well at least they do all the grunt work that I don't feel like doin, haha. I have bitches now! :)

The holiday hrs have kicked in and I'm not lovin it at all. Earlier morning and later nights. I was so tired last Tues, I feel asleep during Gilmore Girls. I hardly EVER nod off while watchin TV! Old ppl do that :P The next day I had a closing shift and I didn't get home til almost 11:30, and then I had to get up and be there at 8:30 the next morning all over again.

Yeah so friggin work, all consuming as it is. I didn't even make it to Meen's lil bachelorette party last Fri cuz I had to work on my presentation like a big geek and had to get up early the next day. I've become that person...the one who misses out on social events for lame reasons.

But at least, at least!, I got to make it for a big bday weekend with Sarah's thing on Fri and my own on Sat.

Sarah wanted to do it up big cuz she was finally legal (yeah she turned 19...she's G's sister but she's like a lil sister to us too) so she did one of those SUV limo/club line by-pass/cover included packages at Inside. It was her, me, L, G, the bfs, and a bunch of her gfs so I think it was about 14 of us in the limo. That was fun cuz I hadn't even been in one before...nope, not even a regular one for prom cuz I didn't go :P

Me and L aren't big fans of Inside, esp since they were in the middle of renovations (what the hell) but it was interesting nonetheless. I'm pretty sure Sarah got drunk but we honestly didn't see her a whole lot that night except for the mad dash for the limo lookin for our driver after we left the club and the drive home.

I would've headed downtown earlier for Fish's bday thing to meet her for drinks but I had already promised Sarah. And it wouldn't have made sense to be downtown just to come home later to be picked up by the limo and and go back downtown.

Anyway, my bday thing didn't go down as planned but I still had a good time. A buncha peeps came over and we chilled and caught up, ate dinner, watched some Bring It On on TV and some of the hockey game. Some of them had to jet and the rest of us had to bounce downtown to go to Lot 332. We were supposed to be in line by 10:30 but we missed that by a mile.

I think the word 'chaos' summed up that night. There was a big traffic jam on the highway goin down there and we were stuck for about an hr. I dunno what it was but it was cut down to one lane.

Then it was a challenge to get everyone together cuz the group of us clubbin had came in separate cars and at diff times. Me, Vick, and L were in one car, Kim was in line with Sheena, G and Kirk were in her car on the way, Al was at her company Christmas party and comin later, Cat and J left after us, and Evan was comin from work.

Can you believe the business tryin to get ppl in when the club is already busy and crowded. Plus, with the guest list line and a 'Ladies line' and the trouble with G bein with Kirk and Cat bein with J cuz it's that much harder to get in when you're with a guy.

We all got in about 15 min gaps and it was some fun tryin to find eachother. Me and Vick got the absolute last hanger in coat check. What club runs out of hangers?? The guy was like, we don't have any more. My mouth was open and I was just about to say, "Are you kiddin me" when he said he found just one more for us to share. That woulda been shit, to have to hold my coat all night or have to chuck it somewhere in a dirty corner. Too bad that's what Ev had to do cuz he came in way after us, haha. Poor boy. He was luggin his coat the whole time.

The ending of this story is, I chased a beer with tequila, me and L got effed up, I met a few party ppl, and had me a happy bday from what I can remember, haha.

Leavin the club it was like all the freaks came out that night. There were cops on every corner and shenanigans everywhere. Walkin around club district was somethin out of the movies. Like a college movie. Then we were walkin to the car and we saw this big thing of flames and sparks and smoke comin from one of the buildings in the near distance. It was crazy, the rooftop was hardcore on fire. Fire truck sirens to top it all off. We later found out it was Shmooze! Somethin in the air that night, I tell ya.

Oh and I have no pictures!! I left my camera at home cuz I was relyin on Al to have hers but she didn't end up gettin in cuz when she finally made it to the club, they were told it was full and couldn't get in. But she also left her cell phone in a cab! Again with a cab! So G had her camera and we took maybe a grand total of 5 before the shit ran out of battery. Ridonkulous. Well at least she's got those but still...very little evidence of that night.

How grateful was I that I didn't have work the next day. I stupidly didn't book Sun off cuz I figured takin Fri and Sat off was bein greedy enough but I wasn't lookin forward to another Hangover Sunday at work.

So that day was for detox and recovery. Mon, my actual bday, I had to work which I didn't really mind cuz I had my fun. Wasn't bad. Had dinner with my parents, bro, sister, and Matt. The fam had wine and beer and I had a spiked Pepsi :)

That's pretty much it. I can't think of anythin else to write so that'll be the update. Peace