Saturday, March 22, 2003

I felt like shithole when I got up today...and I didn't even drink! Figured I shouldn't cuz I forgot to eat before and I'd probably end up on the floor. I was crazy tired, my throat was messed up, and my hair's rank with smoke. But damn, good times! :) Pris just left cuz she was pickin up her stuff and I'm like, geez I just got up like an hr ago and I'm in PJs...and you know how shit I'll look.
Last night was hype. Hadn't been to G Spot since somebody's bday like yrs ago. Not only was it free cuz we're ladies :D but the music was bangin. Nice system ears were crazy ringin when I got THAT'S some sound! L was askin if we'd get frisked cuz we couldn't remember if they did here, and I'm like I dunno...haven't had to in a long time. Hopefully! Haven't gotten a good ol friskin in a while LOL And we did. Damn, they're thorough there! Pretty much got felt up everywhere and they even checked my cigs for weed or whatever. L came out when she was let thru and goes, well that was the most feels I'm gonna get tonight! LOL Good crowd...tho like usual, coulda did without the fuckin middle aged men tryin to dance with me. I don't even know wtf these guys are doin here, like stay home or at least mind your own biz and don't think about touchin me. *shudder* It's just creepy and wrong.
Why we always seem to encounter drunk guys, I dunno. These dudes in line behind us probably weren't but they had to be kinda high at least. The loud talker types, shoutin about nonsense amongst themselves. One of them comes up to us and asks if we had an extra cig and we're like no (I had a pack on me in my butt pocket but there were like 2 left!). I thought he might've seen the pack on me and knew we were lyin or somethin cuz he's like, really? That's really weird LOL and kept lookin at us with these high ass eyes. We're like, okaaaay. But L said she couldn't see the pack stickin out so dunno what that was about, esp since there was a chick smokin in front of us, coulda asked her? :P It was kinda rainin and the only cover we had was the umbrellas the bouncers put out in front of the doors so when we got up there, the dudes behind us were right up there tryin to get underneath too. Honestly, the guy was ON me...buddy, like back it up there, not like you gotta worry about your hair.
I LOVE bustin out with jeans to a club cuz you know they're not gonna turn away girls cuz of what they're wearin. But I knew I shoulda worn a club top or at least a short sleeve shirt. I'd normally wear this 3/4 sleeve shirt and jeans to school LOL It was hot in therrrre! Somehow got myself in the middle of a 2 guy sandwich LOL That was interestin...I'm such a skank LOL Just kiddin, I kept it clean ;) They did some pyro thing at one point where they broke into the music and popped a firecracker/confetti bomb and it was damn loud. L had her back to it so she couldn't see it explode and she wasn't expectin it at all and had the fuck scared outta her LOL She jumped and ducked like she'd been shot at LOL Too funny, had to be there. But they were doin somethin with fire in the back so we couldn't see what they were doin but after that big boom and smellin like somethin was burnin, we were thinkin about those scary club fires in the States and started to kinda get freaked, lookin where the exits were and shit. But it was fine...just don't do pyro shit!!
When we were walkin back to the parkin garage, I think we got hollered at by a cab of girls LOL Dunno. We were at the intersection and we see a group of ppl pullin stupidness at the light. Some drunkard again obviously. He was jumpin in front of cars that were on a green and just bein an idiot. He crosses over to our side on a red and was yellin to his friends like, what're you doin in the middle of the road? or some shit like that. The dude thinks he's cool shit still jumpin around and runnin noise when a cop car turns the corner as we get the walk signal and they stop in front of him, roll down the window and start talkin to him LOL He was gonna get his ass arrested, haha. Dumbass.
Oh, when we were drivin on the highway, G was bein G with the bad observation skills and L was chattin it up, but I saw the car up ahead swervin like a psycho and I'm like damn, look at that. We're like, holy shit they're fuckin drunk! But they kept goin hard left and right in their lane like the person spilled coffee in their crotch or somethin. They were far enough ahead that they wouldn't hit us but they were still right there and G started pissin herself. We're like just slow down and watch this guy, don't pass him. I was just waitin for him to hit some other car cuz it was just a matter of time, the way he was swervin. They did end up hittin a bigger ride in the next lane but not like smashin into them so it wasn't bad. We're like, no way they'd keep drivin after that, they just hit the friggin car! But we saw them both pull over on the shoulder later. Seein all that go down was just surreal. Honestly got no idea wtf that guy was doin. That was messed up. And some guy stole our parkin spot that night and L was spazzin like she was gonna pop him one. Even tho we got the spot next to it (which some 40 yr old pot-bellied man who waved at us, had just pulled out of...what IS with these old men that give them the balls to even THINK about tryin to look at us??) She has rager issues LOL She was like, wavin her hands around practically givin him the finger and yellin with the window up. I'm like, hon he can't hear you LOL "Yes he can! He heard me! The motherfucker...I'm gonna spit on his car later if he's still there after we leave" cuz the guy just shrugged and walked off. But they were gone by the time we got back. Drama drama LOL

Friday, March 21, 2003

Pretty interestin for a boring day today. Rode with G and L to school...even tho we were drivin, still almost made me late :P I went to class while they did their library shit. I was gonna spend my hr break gettin my own books and pickin up Pris' papers and maybe gettin that shoe tag but when I met up with L, she said she ran into Meen so I wanted to go find her. We were up in the balcony desks on the 2nd floor and Meen was below at a table and I didn't wanna yell down so I found a piece of paper, crumpled it up and dropped it on the desk. Good thing it landed right cuz I woulda bopped somebody in the head beside her LOL She looks at it, looks up, goes WTF?, and sees us grinnin LOL So we caught up for the whole hr, good times. Found out what the hell's been goin on with Tash since she friggin disappeared off earth...and Jay and Meen's cousins and everybody else. Meen's like, I was feelin kinda crap but now I'm better cuz I got to talk to you guys LOL And she's not goin to actual summer school either so I STILL got no one to go to the gym with me! Lecture was boring as usual but thank god we let out early, so I got all my other errand shit done. I didn't realize I shoulda gotten my books from the library earlier cuz I didn't know which ones I needed and turns out they're the biggest, heaviest things in the world. So I had my backpack fulla these damn weights, I was strugglin just to pick up the bag, I for real almost fell over. Then G and L decide to go to the mall on the way home without tellin me and we just got home now. I had shoppin to do but I didn't have my money with me, so it was retail hell again waitin for them to finish their shit. At least I got to convince L to come out tonight. I wanna play! :) Gots to get to the bars, yo.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Hmmm...I said I'd work on my art essay (due Mon) tonight but I figure I have the weekend to do it. Then again, I hafta hit the bars this weekend too. Gee, what's it gonna be...hw or goin out? Tough one. They wanna do somethin tonight but I strangely don't feel like it. Plus it's all rainy nasty outside.
Memo to self, get a shoe tag from the athletic centre at school tomorrow. Gotta start workin out's sad. I realized yesterday that I haven't touched a basketball in like yrs. And I used to be on the team in HS :P

It's so nice to have a day off today, my god I needed a break. My sleep's been all messed up...tho I'm proud to say I haven't fallen asleep in class all week! And somebody drank all my coffee! Well I'm finally rid of that monster bitch of an essay due last week. I got up early the day I was gonna hand it in and pretty much made myself late for art class again. Had to drive to G's house to print it out, drove us both back to mine to drop off the car, then take the bus to school...SO STUPID. But at least I had G to ride with since she was goin to work. I was almost gonna skip altogether since I was gonna be an hr late anyway but I was a good girl. I got to miss the group discussions, which is a good thing LOL since I didn't do the reading. So the 2 hr break between classes, I figured I could make my essay better and I did my same ol library biz. At least this time there wasn't any comp freezin or disk BS to piss me off. I printed out the whole essay again even tho I already did at G's (11 pages! That's a whole dollar off my card LOL). I was walkin to class and I was just thinkin about how I had a feelin that I'd run into Tony before it started. Then boom, he comes outta nowhere with his hands in front of him and scares the fuck outta me. Very weird. Hadn't seen that guy in 2 weeks cuz I kept skippin. He's goin to Montreal next week so I won't see him for another 2 weeks. That bastard somehow got an extension on his paper so he was handin in his essay too. I friggin HATE essays...I don't CARE about what I'm supposed to be writin about, I don't CARE what you think about what I holy motherfuck.
Oh yeah, how's this for a karmic bite in the ass...I was on a high cuz of my 90 on my art take-home exam and I nicely got shot back down when I got my film test back...52. Yesssss. What is that? An A to a D, shit. I still stand by how dumbass and unfair it is to have movie quotes as part of an exam. That doesn't have anythin to do with anythin! You can't even study for that!! That guy better be nice to me on my final.

Monday, March 17, 2003

It's so freakin nice out today! Thank god, a change from the winter ick. I coulda busted out in a T. Hope it stays like this, it's just mean to give this amazing weather and then go back to cold.
I finally got my art history take-home exam essay back. Typical she'd mark mine as one of the last cuz of alphabetical order. I couldn't friggin believe the mark I saw...90% baby!! I had to check it again. I never woulda thought I'd get a A on that thing. Figured I did pretty good but there were def times when I thought that and got bit in the ass with a C or worse. BOOYAH! Hmm...don't think I've ever gotten a 90 before in uni LOL Maybe once or twice, I don't remember it's been that long :P And I wasn't even really tryin this time LOL I was still writin the thing a couple hrs before it was due, and even then it was still half an hr late.
Ugh, I think the lack of sleep is catchin up to me now. I tried to go to bed earlier but I ended up gettin hardly any hrs. Couldn't sleep at all! Each time I opened my eyes it'd be...3...4...7:00, then get up at 9, eesh.
It's my sister's bday today but I'm not too into wishin her a happy one since she's been a bitch to me lately. Must be super pissy cuz she's about to turn a quarter of a century old, heh!

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Damn, what a hype weekend :) Armed with my new weapon the magical Gravol pill, and my new stash of cash, this chick hit the bar, baby! Went to Casey's for dinner...which we walked blocks and blocks from the parkin garage for, cuz stupid G just HAD to have their Mudslide. Hit Joe after. Casey and Joe...I love these ppl! LOL No really, I've never had such an appreciation for clubs and bars like I do now, heehee. Figured I'd do the sweet drinks last night so I did an amaretto sour and chocolate martini shots. That shit's like liquid candy, mmmmm. And again, no pukin and not even nauseousness, yeah! I think recall sayin that I couldn't feel my lips LOL No drunkeness tho, I'm good. Too bad it's school again Mon...brutal reality, cuz it means doin that damn hw that I was tryin to put behind me all weekend :P