Saturday, July 19, 2003

I'm retarded. I went out in the backyard to soak up some sun and get me a damn tan. Oh I got me some colour alright. Guess a couple hrs outside is plenty nuff time. OK I'm dumbass and knew I didn't put on as much sunblock as I needed :P I always do this! I didn't realize til I got inside and I'm like, ooh I did tan. I knew I turned colour but then saw I got kinda reddish too. I was just happy that I got the back of my shoulders, esp over my tat so I didn't have no stupid tan line thru the middle of it like last yr. Then I saw my lower back. Good lord! Big stripe of red above my top of my jeans. Yeah! Didn't put anythin on my back! It really hurts LOL I can only laugh at it now cuz of how stupid it is. Fan-fuckin-tastic, now it'll look idiotic when I wear my jeans cuz they're low-rise and all. Til the red areas get better and fade into just a tan anyway.

I emailed the place that did my tat and I got an reply from their Answer Man LOL So I guess I should be goin in soon, but hopefully after I tan myself cuz I'll hafta keep outta the sun for 2 weeks after.
It is too early for me right now. Morning sun, argggh! I dunno what to do with myself at this time of day LOL Came home from stayin over at L's. Guess I'm waitin for some relative from England to come over, otherwise I wouldn't have left til the afternoon. At least we got in some SpongeBob in the morning :)...and some Real World Paris, which was funny stuff. I think I'd like MTV if I had sattelite too. Slept on a couch that I was too tall for :P Watched a couple movies we rented, Half-Baked (totally shot in T dot...Sam the Record Man and the Pizza Pizza on the corner, come on) and The Princess Bride (the latter, don't ask me why, it wasn't my idea!). It's why I don't rent movies with these ppl any more. Still have a bunch more to go. I don't think I've ever drank so much Powerade.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Not much goin on. Realized I can now skip whatever classes I want if the movie they're gonna show that night is rentable and I don't use it for my last assignment, cuz now we have the topics for the essay.
Gonna get my tat touched up soon. Who's ready for more pain...and itchin?
It's the weekend and I surprisingly still have money so I best be goin out.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Well kids, today's word was 'bitchclot' and the song of the day was Beautiful by Snoop and Pharrell...cuz that was all I kept sayin and singin the whole time. Dunno why.
Wonderland was wicked fun. Sweet way to celebrate gettin my essay done :) I finished it the day it was due, 4 pgs no prob LOL We almost went home early coupla times but we made the most of it. Actually left at a decent hr this yr...til closin time :) I wanted to pick up some things at the mall before we left and G had to get out of the house and lie and say she was goin to work esp since Heather mashed up the car *rolls eyes*...these chicks! Wreckin those cars all the damn time. So I was up at like 10:30, ick ick ick. And I got home at like almost midnight cuz we went out for dinner after.
I don't even know why these chicks go to Wonderland since they ride next to none of the rides, so that means no rides for me cuz I'm not about to ride by myself. L's like, I go to get a tan...and for the bumper cars LOL I'm like, you're a dumbass...yeah, why are you and G even comin?? Useless! :P But I did get them all to come on most of the rides, except none of them would budge on goin on the spin-y ones like Shockwave (best EVER!) or Psyclone. Everybody's a puss. "I think I just had my baby" LOL. We missed some other coasters I wanted to go on too but anyway. Check this...after all these yrs of sayin I'd never in hell go on Drop Zone, this chick DID IT!!! You gotta understand, this thing is 23 stories straight up and I'm freakin scared of heights. Don't ask me how I ride the roller coasters and shit, took many yrs of ridin them every yr :P I can ride everythin no problem now except I've never done Drop Zone cuz ppl've told me how you can see like your damn house a thousand miles away from up there. So I figured this would be the yr I conquered that bitch :D I got all of them to go with LOL Only G had done it before, which is kinda sad. So I was like, damn Shaun, L, if I'm gonna do it, you gotta. I was fine linin up and watchin other ppl go on it til it was our turn, I started gettin nervous, trust that. But at this point, I've mastered puttin this fear of heights thing down and not think about it and keep it blazay. I was swearin my ass off the whole way up...and screamed the entire way down LOL And that's like a long 5 sec scream. Crazy...props to us! LOL Now L loves it...esp cuz you can see the friggin CN Tower! Before we went up I'm like, fuck that, the whole ride goin up and down, my eyes are CLOSED! It's actually really nice...for about 7 secs before they frickin drop you.
Opposite to that, we were actin like total kids that day. We rode all the kiddie rides that allowed big ppl on them LOL Other ones said ppl over 60 cm whatever whatever must have a child accompanyin them and we're like damn! DRY! LOL Let's grab some kid and say they're with us LOL Hey kid, c'mere...we're just gonna borrow you for a min...yes we're all with him, he's got 4 mommies LOL
For old times sake, we went on the merry go round too. "Oh you wanna race??...Go Seabiscuit!"
Bumper cars was hilarious. I didn't get to kill L as much as I wanted to but it was worth gold seein her get rammed nonetheless. Near the end, I turned around to see where she was and all I see is her sailin by backwards with this look on her face like she'd been blown away LMAO! Someone got her good.
And as always, L ended up with a bruised knee cuz she never learns. That with, them feelin tired, gettin headaches, etc etc, we almost went home a few times but they were all good when we actually did bounce. All it took was takin home a stuffed Patrick. Nice prizes this yr, and SpongeBob was everywhere, mockin her. She's so obssessed with Patrick after we made her get into SpongeBob that she was willin to BUY him from the stores instead of winnin him like everyone else. So after losin at Wack-a-Mole ("I have a question...could I buy 1 of those Patricks?" "Haha, no, sorry, we're not allowed." "Dammit! Fine, I'll play." LOL), she actually paid for 3 of us to play eachother in that water gun game so ONE of us would win it for her :P She figured it'd still be cheaper than buyin him esp since he was sold out everywhere and the odds couldn't be better LOL I won, booyah! so I got Patrick for her. TOTALLY made her day. As well as watchin the new SpongeBob movie at the motion-sim ride. Biggest kids I tell ya.
Good times, except when it got so much colder later and all I had on was a tank and no one had an extra top. I was almost gonna buy a $50 shirt in 1 of the stores just so I could have somethin to wear. I don't think I tanned but at least I didn't die melting. And I lost my ducky!! Dammit!! The lil thingy Al got me from HK that you hang from your cell phone that lights up when you get a call, it came off :( I had my cell in my cargo pocket but I guess the duck was hangin out. We came off a ride and I realized it was gone. I think it flew off under Top Gun somewhere. Poops!! OK Al got it for only a HK dollar but still. It had sentimental value LOL And the other day I was just wonderin how it was still there, cuz I figured it'd either come off or the battery woulda died by this point. And I lost my fav hairtie on the 1st ride so I had to deal with coaster hair all day, crap it.
They have metal detectors this yr, geez. Me and Shaun got beeped and they checked our bags but we didn't get no trouble. Shaun was carryin a bigass backpack and I'm like, dude you're screwed, told you not to bring all your knives, run run! LOL And they were totally checkin handstamps this yr too. Guess they were gettin smart to ppl like us who only pay for grounds passes but still go on all the rides :P But we were all ready for them cuz we're cool like that, and we just pressed the stamp on our tix onto our hands. And to be really anal, pressed them again on the other hand so the stamp image would be right side up and not flipped we did it off Shaun's hand just to be sure LOL cuz she had a ticket from her mom and got the stamp legally, heh. So we're playin it all cool when they check for them, not like they're lookin or carin but we got around no prob. You'd just say you washed your hands if they asked why it's so faint :P Hey, it's way better than payin a crazy $80 for 1 day when you can do $30!

Monday, July 14, 2003

I feel a bit better. I realized after gettin thru class tomorrow, it's Wonderland on Wed :) It better be good weather I swear...but none of that nasty hot burnin sun biz. No rotisserating please. And I might, just might, try Drop Zone this yr. Even tho I always said I'd never, even if someone paid me.
And I dunno why I keep postin and screwin around when I have hw to do LOL

Aw man, I am gettin some serious cramps. Argh! Yes my Aunt Flo is visitin. I know no one wants to hear about that kinda thing but there ya have it. Share in the pain with me, won't you? I LOVE bein a girl!
I can't believe I saw Pirates. At least Al got her jollies and that'll shut her up about it for a while :P But L laughin out loud when it was all quiet almost made it worth it LOL The damn thing was long enough, like 2 and half hrs! We got out at almost 1 am, and then we had to drive around lookin for a 24 hr Shopper's or some supermarket for Al to get some cold meds for her throat. Had to settle for a Mac's convenience and the guy behind the counter probably thought we were about to rob him, esp with the creepy way L was walkin around the whole store :P
Have I mentioned how much I hate this school garbage? The new yr doesn't start til Sept but apparently I coulda started to enrol since June. Doesn't matter anyway since I don't even know what shit I can/am supposed to take. And of course, I can never get a straight answer from anybody at school when I call, nor can I get an advisin appointment even tho I was guaranteed 1 before May, the website's not cooperatin so I can't find out about the courses and prereqs I need, AND the damn school went and changed the program requirements my printer isn't workin again so I can't print it out right now so I can pick and organize my schedule. So I'll hafta haul my ass into the student office and talk to them ppl. It'll take everythin in me to keep myself from tellin them how much I hate this fuckin school.
Oh yeah, my essay's due tomorrow. I'll finish it later...or tomorrow. OK rant done. I want some more chocolate.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

T3 was nuts. I've never seen so much destruction in my life LOL OMG I'm goin to the movies AGAIN tonight. I'd have literally seen the old man that rips the tickets all weekend LOL After everythin I've said about not wantin to see Pirates of the Carribean to everybody, I'm apparently gonna see it. L's makin me go and Al surprisingly hasn't yet (cuz no one wants to go either LOL) so we're all goin :P At least I'm not payin.
And I said I'd work on my essay today, yeaaaaaah. I'll do it, I'll do it!!