Saturday, July 24, 2004

Aaaaand today was 1 of my random wake-up-early days.  I hate not gettin my sleep...and I really don't like freaky ass dreams!

Last night was fun.  Me and L went ridin ("Top down, chrome spinnin..." Haha), Timmy's, you know.  I got cookies, yes!  Our convos are interesting...even tho they're not really anythin of importance.  Well, some parts are, dependin on how you look at them :P 

I'm goin to some chick that L knows from school's bday thing tonight.  I just learned her name yesterday, haha.  S'all good, we just wanna party :) 

I was supposed to go with Fish to a volunteerin meeting for the T.O. Film Fest this yr but I figured it was too early...and look at me gettin up at 9 am anyway.  But now if you're a new volunteer, they want references!  That's crap.  They never did before...I mean, it's volunteer grunt work.  I did it once a few yrs ago and I got a letter from them but supposedly you get a letter every yr askin you back but I never got.  So am I newbie again or what?  Blar.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Damn Timmy's for havin no more cookies, damn!  I was so lookin forward to it last night :(

Haha, was pretty interesting crammin 6 ppl in G's car.  Heather was there.  Why?  Cuz she just likes to sit in on carpools!!  Odd duck. 

Vick brought my vodka so all is good, heehee. 

Oh and G once again spoke before thinkin and now L's mad at her.  But if you were there, it was pretty friggin funny, haha.  Foot-in-mouth disease, that chick. 

Yeah I really have nuthin substantial to stay right now.  I do however have an awesome MSN convo between me and L that I could post, but it's saved on the other computer so I'll change it later. 
Let's go see what's up for tonight.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I'm kinda bored so how about some randomness?  Sounds good. 

I want another tattoo.  Of what, where, and with what money?  I dunno.

Finally got a/c in the house, woohoo! 

I want Aaron to be back, he'll unbore me.  Then I'll be like, OK now get outta my face, haha.  Mean.  I really have no idea what I'm gonna do when he does get back. 

Vick still has my half a mickey of vodka.  I really wanted to make Jello shots too!

I'm gettin into The Stills, Franz Ferdinand, and now Modest Mouse...what's goin on???

I really want the car need transportation! 

I think I'll go to G's later.  And I think I'll hit a toke right now, haha.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I dunno what the FUCK I was doin in my sleep or whatever but I semi-woke up this morning with a pain in my left knee.  I looked at it and I had some mean ass bruise/red mark on my knee.  I think it was maybe cuz I had my leg bent while I was sleepin on my side and my knee was wedged in between the wall and my bed.  It hurt like a mofo.  I moved my leg and it was like I had broken it.  Plus it felt all numb.  I was like oh god, but I was still too tired to get up and do anythin about it so I figured I'd go back to sleep and see how it was when I got up again :P  It doesn't hurt anymore and the redness has gone down but it's still there. 

And THEN I was just sittin there watchin tv and flippin thru the tv guide when I thought I saw somethin on me.  I looked down and it was a fuckin spider crawlin up my arm!!!!  I panicked cuz it kept on movin higher but I didn't see a tissue around to pick it off me so I just flicked it...and washed that arm.  So violated.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I know this was from Sun but...this weekend was SICK!!  The concert was fuckin amazing.  Well we got there much much later and missed all the openers (like Seether...missed "Broken", stupid stupid!) but got there in time for Ev's set.  And that's all that really matters! :P

Ummm...the night involved (the very short version):  almost forgettin the tix, turnin around to get them, takin the RT, subway, then street car, then walkin to get to the venue, lots of bad cell reception tryin to find Meg and her friends to meet up, a hotdog in my bag, ticket DRAMA (but we won't get into that), goin to the men's bathroom (grody!), Meg usin up my lighter which was already dyin during "My Immortal", a very tall and obese man in the seat right in front of P blockin her view completely, findin an ATM, a guy tryin to sell us on a rickshaw ride, free Trojan condoms, takin the street car back, takin the subway up a few stops, goin clubbin at Oxygen, takin the subway all the way back up, watchin the 2 gay guys try to stay awake without doin the neck jerk and laughin our asses off, missin the last RT train by a good 20 mins, takin a taxi to the mall ($16!), and gettin a ride home the resta the way.  Got home 2ish.  Good times. 

So wicked.  1 of the best concert experiences ever.  The music, the crowd, Amy Lee and the band on stage...the show rocked my ass, haha :D

Monday, July 19, 2004

The Maddy is sweet...and fuckin big.  It's so chill, I like it.  I got Fish to go with us cuz she's been before so she was like our tourguide.  We bumped into 1 of Fish's friends from Queen's and he was WASTED, haha.  He was cool...forgot his name tho :P 

They made my Tom Collins with Malibu, wtf.  Yechhhh.  Esp my history with coconut rum :P  I might've thrown up.  But our server was a sweetie, and she brought me a normal one.  "Finger in the water?  I was like, is that a new drink I haven't heard of?" LOL 

Played pool...there were these freaks who had just the 7 ball on the table left and for some reason kept tryin to sink it for like 10 mins with trick shots that obviously weren't workin when they knew we wanted the next game.  We were like, dude IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, GIVE IT UP!  A cutie asked to play darts but we were jettin and the girls were too ahead of me already so I couldn't stay.  Fuckers, haha. 

G slept over and woke me up early.  That girl even reads a magazine noisily, good god.